burger king with the boys ! (Darcy's POV)

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(Darcy's POV)

"Darcy babe you need to wake up now" i was awoken by someone shaking me.

"urgh five more minutes" i said.

"No Darcy were at the airport you need to get up" they repliex

with the mention of the airport my eyelids shot open to see a pair of gorgeous green eyes staring down into mine, ones that belong to my Hazzabear.

"welcome home beautiful" he said kissing me softly. i can't help but feel guilty still from what happened yesterday i wish i could help Lou but what can i do iam not going to leave Harry iam i? i mean i love him to much.

"babe?" i was brought out of thought by Harry.

"sorry what?" i said.

"i was just saying that we are going to get something to eat and paul is picking us up at about 2am ok?" he asked.

"yeh sure" i said.

As we were getting of the jet some fans had found out about our return, god they are so dedicated getting here at half past 12 i would be like stuff it iam staying in bed.

Harry entwined his fingers with mine my hands fitting perfectly with his.

We spoke to the fans and took a few photos and signed stuff until we had enough of Niall's constant moaning about food (surpise, suprise).

"So guys where do you want to go?" Liam asked.

"I don't mind i'll eat anything at this moment in time, what about you love?" i said turning to Harry.

"Same really it's up to your guys" Harry said.

"NANDO'S!!" Niall shouted.

we all started laughing

"Niall i don't think theres a Nando's in this airport" Louis said.

"well theres a burger king over there" i said pointing to the place.

"ok with me" Liam said.

"Sure whatever let's go!" Lou said walking ahead, i just rolled my eyes he reminds me of a grumpy 5 year old.

"But....but what about Nando's?" Niall said fake crying and holding his chest.

"there,there Niall there, there" i said patting his shoulder.

Then we headed to burger king.

"what's everyonr having?" i asked.

"EVERTHING!!" Niall shouted. i burst out laughing it wasn't till he was half way to the counter i realised he wasn't joking.

"May i take your order?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"yes i'll have everything you serve" Niall asked.

The woman stood there shocked but proceded with the order.

I turned to the boys who were laughing so hard it's a wonder how they never pissed themselves.

"is he serious?" i asked. The boys just nodded and carried on laughing.


GOD! i have never eaten as much in my whole existence. It was a very interesting meal though.

Louis decided to go up to the counter wearing one of them cardboard crowns.

"may i take your order?" the woman asked.

"yes can i have a portion of carrots and pidgeon food" he asked.

the woman looked confused "Iam sorry sir but we dont sell carrots or pideon food" she said.


"iam sorry sir but we dont do carrots" she said

"AND WHERE IS MY BOW WHERE ARE YOUR MANERS AND WHAT ABOUT MY POOR KEVIN DO YOU EXPECT HIM TO STARVE!" he said. god how does he stay serious while doing this i would of been on the floor now.

"no of course not sir why dont you get him a burger" the woman said.

"WHAT YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME KILL HIM!" he carried on shouting.

"No bu..." poor girl she was cut of by Lou shouting "NO JIMMY PROTESTED!".

The poor girl looked petrified all of the other boys where in fits of laughter, Niall was actually on the floor.

Our fun ended when Liam said "come on guys it's time to go meet paul" he said.

so Lou left the poor woman without any explaination what so ever and we went to meet paul.


aw hope you liked this chapter hahaha what is lou like.

just to let you guys know iam trying to update everyday cause i dont like keeping you all waiting ages but it's hard as iam updating off my ipod as my laptop is broke so sorry if there any spelling mistakes.

love you all

Katie xx

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