my inspiration (my harry styles story)

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Darcy’s story

Hi my name is Darcy Dawson iam 15 years old iam in year 10 and I hate life. I never used to but ever since I lost my parents when I was 7 my life has just spiralled out of control I hate it I think it would have been better  for everyone if I was dead. I have long black hair with a fringe that swept across my face and big blue eyes and I am super thin not out of my own choice but iam only fed In school and even then I can’t eat much because I don’t have enough money

 It gets worse I’m beaten by my uncle he blames me for my parents death saying I drove them to their grave and that I need to suffer like they did. This hurts so much I have tried plenty of times to commit suicide but I can never do it. It’s not the fact that iam scared believe be it’s the fact that I want to make my parents proud of me but I want the pain to stop. And the worst thing of all is I can’t tell anyone because I don’t have anyone to tell also it’s the fact that no one will understand. All I do is wipe away the tears and hide the cuts and slits all over me some I have done on my own because sometimes I think my uncle is right I deserve to be punished.

“DARCY GET YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE DOWN THESE STAIRS OR DO I HAVE TO COME UP THERE AND GET YOU MYSELF!” that’s my uncle shouting I have to go to school but I hate it iam scared I don’t even want to answer I just want to sit here shaking and crying hoping it will end and he will kill me once and for all. “DARCY YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS TO GET DOWN THESE FUCKING STAIRS OR ELSE!” I still don’t answer what is wrong with me I know what he’s like I know the pain when his knife  blade scrapes across my back and when his fist makes contact with my skin but yet it’s like I can’t speak.

Then the door swung open there he was “HAVNT I TAUGHT YOU ENOUGH!” he threw me against the wall. I fell to the floor still not making a noise blood was dripping down my head yet I still didn’t care. “CLEARLY NOT I DON’T KNOW HOW YOUR PARENTS PUT UP WITH YOU WHEN THEY WHERE ALIVE I BET THEY COULDN’T WAIT TO BE GONE THEN THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!!” I cried and cried. He lifted me of the floor and threw my onto the bed “NOW IAM GIVNIG YOU ONE LAST CHANCE ARE YOU GOING TO GO DOWN STAIRS OR NOT!” I just lay there it was like I was too scared to move. “Well then I gave you the chance” he lifted my top up as I lay flat on my stomach I screamed as the blade cut through my skin repeatedly. “NOW ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING MOVE?” I still didn’t move please god end this now. “FINE THEN TURN OVER!”  I didn’t. “RIGHT” he threw me on my back the sting of the open wound touching the fabric of my bed. Then I screamed again tears flooding in my eyes as the blade cut through the skin on my back. Then he picked me up and carried me to the top of the stairs and threw me down it felt like I was flying I could fly for miles until I felt the impact of my face cracking on the hard floor. It all went black.

Next thing I could see my mum and dad I was running towards them with my arms open wide then they disappeared and I was falling then he appeared my uncle he caught me but then threw me to the ground.

I woke to the feel of burning on my arms and stomach. I opened my eyes and there he was pouring burning hot water all over my arms even with the burning I didn’t cry it was like I was used to the pain when the water stopped he went into the kitchen I though enough was enough I ran out the door only having time to grab my phone and my bag. I ran down the street I could hear my uncle yelling when I come back I will be dead. “WELL IAM NEVER COMING BACK!” I yelled back and ran until I was out of site I looked in a car window and I could see I had blood stains on my shirt so I got my hoodie out of my bag and  put it on in the hope that it wouldn’t go through.

I thought to myself iam not going to school I couldn’t in this state I went into town and sat in and ally behind a couple of bins I just got my phone and listened to my one direction album yes before you say it yes I like one direction with out there music I wouldn’t be able to survive they make me feel special. They are the only people I feel I could tell my story to because they are my inspiration.

After I had listened to the entire album over and over and over again it was getting really dark I hate the darkness so much but I refuse to go home I won’t. I stood up and started to walk round town is now deserted. After a while I started to get that feeling you know where someone is watching you so instead of turning round I looked in one of the shop windows and I started to panic as I saw a man walking not far behind towards me. I started to speed walk and heard the man’s footsteps quicken. So I started to run as fast as I could and I turned down an ally way out of sight. I saw him run past the ally so waited a bit to calm down and then stepped out. Suddenly I was stood face to face with the man.

“HELP PLEASE NO PLEASE DON’T” I screamed as he dragged me down the alley way. “SHUT UP OR I WILL KILL YOU!” he yelled in my face he started to punch me ripping my clothes off I screamed it was horrible his hands all over me. “Get off please” I cried. But he slapped me “shut up now you know what to do” he said getting it out I didn’t move so he pinned me to the wall and put a knife to my throat “now listen here you fucking slut there is nothing stopping me killing you here and now, it doesn’t matter how hard you scream no one will here you so do as your fucking told” he dropped me to the floor.

After he had got what he wanted out of me he beat me up and then walked of laughing and left me with nothing not even my dignity. I had no spare clothes and the ones I have are all ripped. But I had to get out of here. So I got up and ran I don’t even know where iam running to I ran out and there was a flash of light and then it went black.

I woke up all I could see was white I sat up a bit “iam I in heaven?” I heard a little chuckle from the side of me “no you’re in our apartment” said a very deep charming voice. Wait that voice sounds very familiar I looked up and gasp it was none other than “OMG YOUR HARRY STYLES!”….

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