Chapter 14: Photograph

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Song: Photograph - Ed Sheeran

Hope's POV:

2 weeks later.

It was getting close.

So, so close to that day.

That day that ruined my life.

That day that made me into the person I am today.

The day my mother gave up and forced me to grow up faster than I should have had to.

The anniversary based around my father...

My fathers death.

A week from today is the day that my father was taken so viciously from me, snatched from mine and my families hands so forcefully that we hadn't had a chance to truly hold on to him tighter.

Every year, my family and I get together on his death anniversary and mourn together. So, in about a week I would have to catch a flight back home to New Jersey since I moved away from them a few years ago in order to pursue college and of course; my job.

The main reason why I wanted to work where I am, helping people and drawing them away from death just that little bit more was all because of my father and what he had done to himself.

He hung himself in his shed late at night.

I wanted to help prevent people from doing that, because I know exactly what the pain and the heartache causes and I don't want someone to put that upon their family.

I understand that they're in pain and the only way they think to stop that pain is by taking their life, but there is always another way no matter what.

I thinks that one of the reasons why I reacted the way I did to Chance. Because my father had killed himself due to hanging himself, whereas Chance failed at the evil act that my father had gone through with.

So maybe that's why Chance has affected me the way he did and the reason for keeping him safe is so strong in my heart. It's as if it's replacing something that I couldn't do for my father.


I hadn't really taken a step back and thought over it whole heartedly, matching my father and Chance's events together because if I thought too much on my father, then my brain would implode and I would be on the floor crying like a crumpled mess.

I shook off those feelings, although these other feelings were eating away at me. I really needed someone, I just needed to be held and told everything was ok.

My feelings for Chance only seemed to increase and seeing him nearly everyday didn't help it. I hated it, I hated feeling so vulnerable and as if only he could help me. Save me.

I was supposed to be independent, be able to take care of myself and not worry about what others thought. I was forced to grow up at such a young age after my father had died.

My mother fell into a major depression and I had to take care of her and the twins. It was a cruel thing what my father did, to just leave us without a proper explanation.

I knew there was something going on in his life but him and my mother kept it rather quiet. So quiet until he couldn't handle it and needed to make some noise.

The worst and loudest noise I've ever heard .

He left our ears ringing.

Yet, what my mother did though was something so evil that I would never wish it upon my worse enemies. She forced me to be the adult. Me to take care of everyone. She forced me to step up and put the weight of the world on my shoulders at such a young age.

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