Chapter 57: Are You Doing Drugs?

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Chance's POV:

Did anyone else get my Twaimz vine reference in the title? If you did I love you!

Also Eli up the top. Just in my mind his hair isn't as long

"You're so funny Wesley!" Toby giggles, swatting at his arm. Wesley's face was beat red and he flashed a small smile.

Wesley was quite a reversed guy, so having this much attention (especially since it's Toby who's an extremely loud extroverted guy) was a little different for him.

"You're so funny Wes. Hehe. Smack." Eli mimicked, smacking Hope as she let out a loud laugh. Toby glared daggers at Eli who looked away innocently.

"Guys, enough about hair no one cares about that shit. How about we talk about the races! I'm super hyped!" Eli said excitedly, taking a bite from his chicken finger.

Yet his eyes showed something different.

"Me too, I can't wait." Nieta said, a smile on her gorgeous face as Eli blushed, his demeanor going back to normal.

They seemed like a good and happy couple.

"Please enlighten me on what these 'races' are?" Toby asked, leaning a little away from Wesley and more towards Eli since he had practically been all over Wes all night.

"Basically it's where people go and watch car's and motor bikes and big trucks race each other. It's super fun! Plus there's cotton candy and popcorn and t'shirts there. You can also place bets on who will win." Eli said, grinning.

"Great, so our child is suddenly a money hungry gambler." Wesley said.

Eli's face suddenly paled and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh shut up." Nieta growled. Wesley held his hands up in defeat as Eli drooled over his girlfriend.

"Hey Eli, who are those guys standing over there? They keep looking at you." Hope said, pointing at two guys who sat at a small table, not so discreetly staring at Eli.

When we all looked over they quickly ducked.

I squinted my eyes at the one particular guy. He looked rather familiar.

"I-Uh have no clue." Eli stuttered.

"What? They seem like they know you-." Wesley was cut off.

"Anyways lets order!" Eli exclaimed, waving drastically at a tired looking waitress who rolled her eyes and slowly walked over to where we all sat.

As everyone ordered, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the two men who sat at the table a little far away from us.

Something stirred in my gut.

I had a bad feeling about this and these races.

"Thanks for a good night tonight guys. Wes take Nieta home I have to... deal with something." Eli said, his voice stern as everyone seemed unfased.

Everyone but Nieta and I.

"Why aren't you coming along?" She asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Because. I have to take.. care of something. An old friend needs help moving tonight. I promise I'll call you when I get back and tell you everything." He said, his eyes pleading.

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