Chapter 38: Shopping For The Wedding

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Song: WAKE UP - Travis Scott ft The Weeknd

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Chance's POV:

I woke up, the feeling of my neck twisted in the wrong direction instantly causing a large ache to throb. My entire body ached now that I thought about it.

Wherever I was laying wasn't too comfortable and my arm was dead. The feeling of something laying on it.

I opened my eyes, my heart skipping a beat when I came face to face again with Hope.

Her soft angelic features shone as the sunlight streamed through the half open window. Her lips slightly parted as her eyelashes rested against her smooth cheek bones.

I licked my lips, slowly reaching up and brushing the pieces of hair that fell carelessly out of her face. She groaned, scrunching her nose up a bit.

She cuddled in closer to me, showing that she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I let out a quiet sigh, deciding no matter how bad my aches were, I wouldn't disturb her sleep.

"Bloody hell, my neck is caning." Hope whined, gently rubbing her neck as I grunted in response. I finished pouring the coffee into both hers and my own cups.

Handing her, her favorite cup she gladly took it.

We stayed in silence for a few moments, basking in the spring warmth. I took small sips as Hope player on her phone.

"While you were sleeping, I rang Nick up. Him, Sage, you and I will be going shopping for the wedding today. Sage will have the other brides maids with her and Nick will have the grooms." I began, watching Hope nod.

"The grooms will really only be Wesley, Eli, a few other blokes and I." I stated carelessly, taking a large sip from my cup.

"Who's the maid of honor for Sage?" Hope asked curiously, looking up from her phone and gazing at me.

"Sage's little sister, Lavender." I replied with a careless shrug.

Hope's face went blank, soon clicking as a smile came across her face.

"Oh I get it, they're both named after herbs." She giggled.

I grinned.

I'm gonna be honest, I hadn't even realized they were both named after herbs.

"What time are we meeting up with them?" Hope asked, beginning to take a sip.

I checked my watch, it reading 8:40am.

"In 20 minutes."

Hope spat her coffee back into her cup in shock.

She really enjoys spitting drinks back.

"Chance! Why didn't you tell me!?" She half yelled, jumping up while running out of the kitchen and into what I would assume be the guest room.

I couldn't stop the short laugh to escape my lips as I too made my way out of the kitchen to go find her and tell her she didn't need makeup or that stupid shit she likes to wear.

"Hey finally, I was worried you guys wouldn't show." Sage said, her smile bright and wide as she got up from the seats she and everyone else were sitting at.

She firstly wrapped her arms around Hope, both mumbling and giggling to one another.

She made her way to me and I received a bear hug. I let out a low groan as she put too much pressure onto my ribs.

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