Chapter 48: A Quickie In The Church Home

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Song: Higher Love - Stevie Winwood

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Hope's POV:

Also I can't remember the names of Sage's sisters name since I wrote about her ages ago. I'm pretty sure her sisters name is Lavender but if not I'm sorry, just bare with me. Thanks x

I felt the car come to an abrupt stop as we had pulled up at the Smith's household. After dinner, Nick has called his parents saying how he had some big news for the family and asked to come over.

They agreed almost immediately.

Soon Sage rang her own parents, copying what Nick had said, only this time she told them to go over to Nick's parents house.

They also agreed.

I was pulled out of my own little world when my car door opened and the face of a grinning shaggy haired boy appeared.

"Ha, beat you to opening the door for yo' lady, Chancey Boy." Eli grinned.

I just laughed as Chance rolled his eyes, huffing as he sent Eli a threatening glare.

"Here. Since Chance is a terrible boyfriend, I'll even help you out." Eli took my hand once I had unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me out.

He then made the mistake of pressing a kiss to my hands, obviously not thinking.

Chance grabbed the back of the 17 year old boys head and reeled him back. Eli put his hands up in defeat, his face showing slight terror as Chance pressed his lips to his ear and whispered.

"Keep you hands and lips off of my woman."

He soon let Eli go who quickly ran behind me as I tsked.

"Don't hurt my boy, King." I said, standing up straighter to appear more 'threatening' when in reality I looked like a small doll up against Chance.

He rolled his eyes as Eli said a 'Yeah' to my statement.

"Come on you three! Move it along!" Wesley called, standing in the door way as he turned around and walked inside the large mansion like house.

"Well, Nick's parents are well endowed aren't they?" I chuckled, moving towards Chance who wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yep, they always have been. Then Nick went and got even more wealthy by starting his own business." Chance smiled, looking at me as I remembered
having that conversation with him.

"Hurry up! We have food in here!" A voice yelled in hopes to make us move faster.

"Food?" Eli perked up.

"Heck yes!" He yelled, running straight into the house.

"Where's the food at?" His voice loud and muffled as Chance and I laughed hard, soon making a bit of a move to get in the house.

Once we were in, we were greeted by a fair amount of people who sat on a bunch of couches around a warm fireplace.

"Ah, there you two are!" Nicks mother, Diana smiled.

She then turned at looked at her husband, who I believes name is George.

"Can you go and grab me another glass of wine, darling?" She asked. He nodded, placing a kiss on her head as he stood up.

"Would anyone else care for something to drink?" He asked, his English accent sounding just a little thicker than Nicks.

"I would love some wine." Eli grinned, taking a large bite from the bacon and cheese cob loaf.

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