Chapter 27: Shopping

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Song: Finally Free - Niall Horan

Chance's POV:

This is pretty much just a filler.

Today marked New Years Eve.

I was still extremely stoked that I was still here on this earth and I was capable of going into 2019.

Especially with the girl who I liked by my side.

Well, she was mainly one of the reasons I was able to walk into 2019.

After the incident yesterday, it hadn't been overally too awkward, surprisingly. I know what I said was highly inappropriate and I was just in the moment, but for some reason she hadn't even bit back at me for it.

She just stayed quiet.

I know that I said I would never intentionally make her uncomfortable, yet I just couldn't fucking help myself.

Once again, beast was coming back.

I was a little worried she would come back into the room and scream at me for being so disgusting and acting the way I had been.

I shouldn't have held her or touched her like that, but I couldn't help it.

I need to try and fucking help it.

Yet, when she did walk back into the room she had told me that Nachos and two Pepsi's were on the way.

I was waiting for her to blow up at me or at least say something, yet she hadn't. She insisted we watched a movie, and of course it ended up being Mulan.

That goddamn dragon reminded me way too much of Eli.

Speaking of Eli, Hope and I were planning on meeting up with them all later on today for New Year's shopping purposes.

Well Sage wanted to go shopping.

Eli just wanted to find a pair of light up glasses that had '2019' written across them and a sparkly hat.

Now that I thought about it, we were supposed to meet up with them around 2pm.

It was only 12 now but they weren't in the same hotel as us. And another problem was that Hope was asleep on top of me.

I didn't want to wake her because I knew that then she would move and I wouldn't be able to continue holding nor feeling her against me.

Currently, I had my arm behind my head as the other was carefully wrapped around Hope's small frame. Her head was rested over my chest as soft snores escaped her lips.

Not loud enough to bother you but just enough to find cute.

Anything she does is cute though.

Fuck, look at me. I'm becoming a sappy mess.

Usually I'm such a hard prick most of the times, never giving a fuck what I say or do yet with Hope... I'm constantly analyzing everything I do and being as careful as possible.

My cousin George was saying how I was 'pussy whipped' the other night at the Christmas party because of the way Hope had calmed me down in front of everyone.

So I punched him in the nose for speaking so unhighly of Hope's and my relationship. Especially talking about how I only want her for her pussy.

Maybe I might think about dirty things, and sometimes I may accidentally snap and grab her a little too roughly or say things I probably shouldn't say, but I would never attempt to screw her without her consent.

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