Headcannon: Allura 💖

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- She treats you as her equal

- She tries to teach you Altean mannerisms

- You don't like tea...

- She can't convince you but that means she won't stop trying

- The mice are your way of sending love notes to one another

- Your leadership skills are different from Allura

- You tend to lead the group based on future issues while she leads the team based on current issues

- This can cause tension but it is always fixed by the end

- You introduce Allura to the world of the Arts

- She loves drawing

- She's not great at dancing

- You laugh when she tries but she can't help but laugh at herself too

- Co-Pilot of the ship

- Interested in the Altean culture

-Comforts her when she thinks about the lost of her culture

- Defensive around Lotor

- Amazed by her abilities

- She doesn't understand dirty humans so you're clean

- She is serious but around you she tends to lighten up

- You're worried that Allura is hard on herself

- She doesn't need to punish herself for not being able to save Altea

- You comfort her a lot

- You give each other lots of hugs

- Floral crowns?

- You mourn over her death

- You work alongside Coran to restore Altea

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