When You Cry

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He's confused. He doesn't really know how to help you but he feels for you. He understands how it feels. Not what you're dealing with but he understands if it makes you cry it must mean a lot. He holds you close and hugs you until you stop

Shiro 🖤

He's shocked. He wonders why you would cry since to him you always seemed happy. He pulls you in for a side hug and tries to get you to talk about it. He pets your hair as he does so

Lance 💙

Immediate help. He doesn't hesitate or ask what is wrong. He just knows that if he can help you whether it would be from listening to you or being your big tissue, he'll do anything

Hunk 💛

Food. Food is the solution. Hunk always has a positive outlook on life so he tries to get you to see the good in your situation. He reminds you of who you are. Then he's like "let's go eat"

Pidge 💚

Don't understand. Why are you crying? Pidge doesn't like to cry about anything except for family so she's not the greatest at comforting. However she is great at distracting. Any activity she can do to get your mind off it is what she'll do

Matt 🧡

Humour. He loves making people smile and seeing you sad makes him sad. Once he finds the right time, he'll try to crack a joke. If it goes well, you'll smile. If not you look at him weirdly. He then makes a face so that you laugh. Either way, he wins

Lotor 💜

He understands. Pain is nothing he had to grow up with. Yes he had always been taught to keep the pain hidden but if you cry, he won't judge. He'll do whatever to make you feel better. Most times, you just play with his hair. Yes he gets annoyed but if it makes you feel better, he'll deal with it.

James 💕

Walks. Sometimes you just need a walk or a break and he's one to offer it to you. When your down, you'll walk together and talk it through. You jump topic to topic and you eventually forget what you were upset about

Allura 💖

Share. When it comes to Allura you both share your stories. You're a bit reserved and yet with Allura you feel comfortable because she shows you she understands your upset.

Romelle 💗

Calming Art. Sometimes you need to do something. Romelle may not understand earth but she is eager to show you anything new whether it would be how to draw a building or dance to a song. Weirdly, you're learning and reliving stress


Exercise. She truly believes with training you need to be focus. She'll push you to run with her to practice target shooting. You worry at first but she guides you and reminds you of the bigger goal in mind

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