Where They Like To Kiss

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Shiro 🖤

He loves kissing your head. He just likes to tease you by reminding you that you're shorter than him. You whack him on the stomach when he teases


He loves your shoulders. Why? Who knows but he doesn't hesitate to leave some hickeys on them if they're exposed. Don't tell anyone though they're from him. That makes him mad

Lance 💙

Neck. The sweet old tender neck. The softest part is his favourite. Especially when his lips touch it, it makes you squirm. He just loves to mess with you

Hunk 💛

Face cheek (not the other kind of cheek). He loves to kiss you cheek because it makes you blush and you two laugh because of it.

Pidge 💚

Nose. Pidge is shorter than you so she can't really reach forehead area but she does tease you with your nose. You scrunch up your nose afterwards.

Matt 🧡

Finger. It's his weird way of teasing you and showing PDA. You hate it because you always blush in the end and he laughs when you do.

James 💕

Jaw. It's a weird spot to kiss but he loves how it shapes your face. He also loves feeling the heat that comes to your face when he does kiss your chin.

Allura 💖

Forehead. You're a bit shorter than Allura but there isn't a huge height difference. No matter what, Allura just loves to kiss you there. It brings the two of you comfort.

Romelle 💗

Hand. She has always learned from the Alteans as a greeting. Now she just does it because she finds it funny when you scrunch up your nose in disgust.

Lotor 💜

Lips. Lotor is taller than you but that's exactly why he does it. He just wants a good excuse to pick you up and hold  you up so that he can kiss you.


Not PDA. She's very unaffecionate, even more than Keith. Sometimes she'll hold your hand. It will take a while before the girl actually kiss you

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