When Meeting Their Parents

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Keith ❤

You never got the chance to meet Keith's father but you know about him through stories Keith told you. As for Krolia, she was wary about you at first but after seeing you with her son, she began to realize his feelings and his openness around you that she accepts you 


Once you returned to Earth, you met Lance's parents. They were super accepting about you and they embraced you like their own daughter. 


You never got to meet his parents. This may be because they may be dead, don't have the best relationship or that Shiro never met them. This causes Shiro to talk about them to you, whether the stories are true or not.


When you were going to meet Hunk's parents, you were super shy about it. You may come off as strong but you get nervous because you really want to impress them. They embrace you and teach you their secret recipe


Pidge is shy about you while you were excited. She was worried that her parents would disapprove of your relationship. Her parents weren't thrilled at first but eventually began to adapt to your presence. You bond with Colleen over plants


Matt and you were both nervous. It had been a while since Matt saw his parents and so introducing you was going to be much. You met Sam Holt on a mission and he thought you were strange but embraced it. As when you returned, Colleen embraced you quickly and wanted grandkids.


You knew his parents before since you knew James when you were kids. As you two left to join the Garrison, their parents cared for you. You lost your parents so they embraced you as their own child


You never knew King Alfor or his wife because they were killed years ago. You comfort Allura and allow Allura to talk about her parents freely because it was the only way she could cope with the loss of her parents


You never knew Romelle's parents because they were separated. You knew Romelle from when you lived together on the colony so you spent your days trying to help her find her parents and where the "other colony" was


Zarkon wasn't a fan of you and neither was Honerva at first. Lotor did what he had to do to protect you from his parents. Later on, when Lotor is killed, Honerva attempted to become close with you in order to feel close to Lotor but you stay away from Honerva, leaving the fight

Acxa ❣

You never get to know her parents as they were killed. Acxa doesn't like to talk about her parents because the memory brings her bad memories. You comfort Acxa when you accidentally bring them up

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