Voltron On Family Day

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What would it be like to spend Family Day with them?


Its both a joyous day but a solemn day. Because Keith lost his father, he used to just not care about this but ever since he got his mother back, he is happier. As for the day, you don't really do much as you're not sure what to do besides cuddle with Keith. He appreciates it.


Shiro has never really mentioned to you about his family or for that matter, see them. He tells you that the abandoned him because they couldn't support his choice of going into the Garrison with his illness. You comfort him and tell him it was the best decision he ever made.


For Lance, Family day is a big thing. Since he had such a big family, the met up and had dinner as if it were Christmas. You spend the day playing and talking to Lance's cousin. They tease the two of you, poking fun at your relationship. Lance is happy you spent the day with him


Like Lance, Hunk's family celebrates with as many members. They also like to do something else. They spend their morning preparing food and go on the streets, providing those without a home some food. It was different but you were glad to serve those people


Pidge and Matt met up together. Pidge isn't always great with her mother and this became prominent when they argued. Rather, you tried to be the peacemaker and try to get them to work through the issue. Pidge thanks you and was glad that you were there to help her out.


Matt meets up with his family on Family Day but before he does, he meets up with his rebel team. Being Matt, he wants to pull pranks on them to show his affection and so you join him. They get back at the two of you by covering you with water and flour. He kisses you in happiness


James liked to celebrate Family day with the few members of the Garrison that stayed at the Garrison. Feeling that they didn't bond enough, you decided to host a game night. Everyone joined and they talked about their previous lives. James thanks you on behalf of everyone


Allura was saddened by this day. She didn't have her planet or her people for that matter. So Coran and you decide to do all the things that Allura loved with her as well as introduce her to new traditions from other planets. Allura is thankful for what you did.


Romelle misses her brother and so this day wasn't a very exciting day. You feel sorry for Romelle so to show kindness, you created an image for Romelle based on what you thought her brother could have looked like. She was so happy, she cried and hugged you.


Lotor loathed Family Day. For him, the concept was stupid. But that was also because Lotor didn't really spend much time with his family. You weren't really sure what to do since he resent of this day was strong but you shower him with compliments and tell him he's amazing.


Acxa didn't really know what her or who her family was. All she knew was that she wasn't full Galran. Together, you decide to explore more of Acxa's origin and learning the history of her people together. Acxa doesn't feel that different but thanks you for being at her side.

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