When They're Jealous

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He hates it. Especially when it involves Lance. He will make his way over to you and look at the person who's flirting with you. He'll stare the person down. If they don't get the hint, he'll take you away. Like physically drag you away. 

Shiro 🖤

Shiro isn't the type to get jealous but up to a certain point. He does trust you but If he sees that whoever is flirting with you is becoming a bit too much, he'll intervene and make up some excuse in order to pull you out of the situation. 

Lance 💙

He doesn't love it and immediately becomes worried that you'll leave him for this person. He especially hates it when you're around Keith. Lance will come over to you and place his arm around you. If that's not enough, he'll move it down to your waist and pull you so that your bodies are touching one another

Hunk 💛

Hunk doesn't get jealous. If anything, Hunk will embrace the person. He's not quick to notice if that person flirting with you. If you say anything though, Hunk will just ask you if you're interested in him. When you tell him no, he hugs you. You're confused

Pidge 💚

Pidge is ready to fight. She is pissed at whoever is flirting with you. She will come up to you and exchange insults with the person who is flirting with you. Once that person becomes fed up with Pidge, they'll leave and Pidge will kiss you on the nose

Matt 🧡

Matt is ready to fight anyone much like Pidge. If someone is flirting with you, he will have no shame in going up to you and showing some PDA to drive them away. Kisses on the cheek, lips and neck if they don't go away. Eventually the person will get the hint and leave

James 💕

Its awkward. James could be right there or across the room and notice it immediately. If he sees it, he will stare the person down. If that doesn't send a message, he'll come up to you and make sure to make it awkward by ruining the conversation. Then he'll wrap his arm around you and pull you away from the situation

Allura 💖

Allura won't make it obvious that she is jealous until that person makes physical contact with you (think like hand touching shoulder). Allura will walk over to you and she will grab your hand to make it known that she is with you

Romelle 💗

Romelle doesn't get it at first. She thinks the person is just being friendly. Overtime, if it continues, she becomes suspicious and will interrogate the person until she finds out what their motive is. You can see where the situation is going and you kiss Romelle. This makes the person leave you two alone


Acxa is confused.  She doesn't really understand flirting to begin with. Sometimes you wonder if she even cares about your relationship because she doesn't pick up on this information. She assures you that she trusts you and kisses your nose so that you're aware

Lotor 💜

If someone were to flirt with you, they would be dead. Simple as that. He will give you a hickey afterwards to show that you're already with him. The next time a person flirts with you, they'll see the mark and walk away from you. If they don't, Lotor will actually move you so that they see.

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