When They Drink

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Keith ❤

He is super emotional its actually weird. He will cry and flirt at the same time because he feels lonely. You're just not sure how to react. You hold his hair back though because you know he'll throw up


He is over the top flirty. He has no chill and its worrisome. He will be dancing on tables and singing his heart out. You'll awkwardly stare at him and he'll try to get you to join him too. We don't talk about your mornings


He's an angry drunk. He'll begin to blame himself for the lost of Adam and his failure to lead the team. You're forced to comfort him throughout the night. He'll try to tell people what to do. Such a dad


Nope. Not for me. I don't drink. You look at each other as the madness ensues. You just awkwardly order and eat more food. Keep your distance from the drunks. But hey you don't miss an opportunity to laugh at your drunk friends


Too young. Even by season 8 she's too young. You would have to wait before she drinks and trust, she never does. It's not her thing. She just loves recording her drunk friends. It's easy blackmail for the future


He's extremely happy. Like he is so happy he'll crack up too many jokes and laugh at his own jokes because he thinks they're hilarious. You're stuck putting on a smile because you worry you'll offend him. He is very hungover in the morning.


He's an interesting type of drunk. He's a combination of all the drunks possible and you just don't know how to deal with him. Like why did you end up with someone crazy? We will never know the answer


Run. He's very touchy feely. Like he's thristy. He won't let go of you out of his sights until he gets what he wants. Run. In the morning, he'll regret everything but he'll still want you by his side because thats just him


She's curious so she'll begin. Once she's hit hear buzz level, she'll begin to think that everyone is so nice. She'll share simple stories about people smiling at her. You look at Allura and she just won't stop talking. Hold her hair back because it will get messy in the morning when she vomits

Romelle 💗

Uh it smells weird. She is curious but as soon as she drink it, she's disgusted. How do humans like this stuff? She won't drink for the rest of the night but regret that one drink. You have to explain how alcohol works.


Angry. Pure anger. She'll begin to break things and you gotta pull her out of there before she kills anyone. As you're walking home, she'll get angry at anyone that passes by. "Sorry she's drunk" becomes your catchphrase by the end of night

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