When You're Injured

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Shiro 🖤

Instantly worries. He's trying to keep his cool because he knows the second he worries, the team will worry. He's a dad and their leader so they look up to him which kills him when he sees you hurt. He makes sure your in a pod and visits you until you're out of the pod, safe and healthy. Keith suspects that he's not okay but Shiro won't admit that it is bugging him. He checks up on you after to make sure you're okay and refuses to put you on risky missions after you're out


He's frustrated. It doesn't matter how or who hurt you he begins to blame himself for it. He believes he could've done more to protect you and that what kills him. He waits by your healing pod all day and if he's not at the pod, he's training to relief some stress. Shiro advises him to worry less but he won't listen. After you're out, he stays by your side. You argue about missions because he refuses to let you go on your own

Lance 💙

He's so confused. He still is trying to understand and process everything. He doesn't want to believe your hurt but gets really sad when he sees you hurt. When they put you in the pod, he makes sure that you are safe. He visits the pod to make sure no danger is found. He tries to keep his tears to himself until he is caught by his team members. Once you're out, he showers you with praise and apologizes. You tell him to love himself and that you're okay

Hunk 💛

He's so sad. He holds you close and makes sure you get back to the ship safely. They are quick to put you in a pod and Hunk is instantly worried. He has all these thoughts of everything that could go wrong. He tries to cook but everything he cooks ends up failing because he's so focused on you. After you're out of the pod, he cooks a big meal for you. He will try to prevent you from going on missions but you assure him things will be fine

Pidge 💚

Emotionally detached. It's something you don't always see but she becomes distant from the team. She has so many mixed emotions of blame and guilt but in the end, she's just sad that you're hurt. She'll monitor your healing process from in the pod and from after you're out of the pod. Pidge won't cry in front of anyone but one night you heard her cry. You held her tight until the morning came

Matt 🧡

You thought Pidge was bad. Matt is an emotional mess. He doesn't know how to control his emotions and unfortunately doesn't have a pod on his ship for healing. He stays by your bed, making sure everything is taken care of and gives you so many long cuddles. Once you've healed, he checks up on you making sure that you're well aware that he will always protect and love you

Allura 💖

Much like Shiro, she'll internalize her concerns and worries for you. The only person that catches on is Coran because he knows her so well. She monitors your healing and makes sure that you're well taken care of. When you are healed, you argue with Allura because she refuses to assign any missions to you. You eventually come to an agreement that she will let you go so long as you communicate with her about how you're feeling and where you are when your on missions

Romelle 💗

It's kind of weird. Romelle doesn't really know how to react because she doesn't fully understand human injuries and interactions. With that being said, she can begin to worry once she realizes you're not yourself. She stays by your side and she will make sure everything you have is fine. Once you're okay, Romelle promises never to let that happen again to you.

Lotor 💜

You thought Keith was bad? Lotor is ready to kill anyone who dared hurt his girl. He hated seeing you hurt but he also didnt kbow what ti do. There were no healing pods in his ship and so it took months before you were okay. Lotor got anyone who knew how to help you to help you and saw you every morning and night. Once you recovered, you weren't allowed to leave his side. He didnt want to worry about you again.


Shes a bit indifferent. To her, she kind of expects you to handle yourself. That being said, when you do get injured don't expect her to be nursing you. But on the other hand, Acxa can get very aggressive and it's because she blames herself for not protecting you. Shes just not one to admit it out loud to anyone. As you heal, she trains to become stronger. Once you're okay, she acts as if nothing happened but you know it bugged her

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