Winter Shenanigans

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This is the first one-shot. I hope it's good! Its winter so I figured why not?

Quick Note: Lotor is not the bad guy in this and Shiro is Shiro. This will include all the characters featured in this book plus Coran, Veronica and Krolia. They are all here together as a team. This is written in 3rd person. You are (Y/N) - this means your name

Summary: Paladins are on the Atlas, bored and (Y/N) decides that they need a break

Word Count: 1674 words


"I'M SO BORED!" Lance yelled.

Lance stormed into the lounge area where Keith, Acxa, James, Pidge, Matt Hunk, Veronica and (Y/N) sat.

"Then why don't you train?" Keith said.

"WHY DON'T YOU! Oh, wait. THAT'S ALL YOU DO!" Lance yelled.

"Lance. Shut up" Pidge said.

Pidge threw a wrench in his direction. He ducked to avoid it. Pidge and Matt had been working making improvements to Beezer.

"Let me help," Veronica said.

She sat next to Lance and surely like a sister would, she punched Lance on his arm. They began to fight with one another. Acxa sat next to Veronica and she began to play with her gun.

"I'm with Lance. There's only so much I can cook. We've run out of ingredients" Hunk said.

"Maybe you should stop cooking food and do something else?" James suggested.


"Big mistake James" you said.

Coran, Allura, Romelle, Lotor, Krolia and Shiro walk into the lounge area of the Atlas.

"What are you guys doing?" Shiro asked.

He saw the mess going on. Hunk crying, James stumbling for words, Lance and Veronica arguing, Pidge and Matt becoming annoyed. 

"What does it look like? It is your version of teamwork" Lotor said.

Shiro glared at Lotor but he had a smug smile on his face.

"Can we try not to fight?" Allura begged.

(Y/N) looked at the room. It radiated all these negative emotions. Hate. Anger. Frustration. Boredom. You were getting sick from just being in the room

"Look maybe we need a break" you spoke.

"Wow, aren't you smart?" Lance said.

"Lance I'll punch your -" Keith tried to speak. You cut him off.

"Disregarding Lance's unnecessary comments, I have to say I think we need a break. And not from just doing mission work. I mean we need a break from being on the ship. Everyone has been working hard and its gotten to the point where Keith and Lance are fighting" you explained.

"We always fight," Keith said.

"NOT THE POINT KEITH! Point is, I think we need to make a stop at a planet and just relax" you argued.

The team members looked at one another. Some nodded in agreement while others thought through what (Y/N) said.

"I know a planet called Abelzoz. There we can fight off some Desirucs and obtain some of their gel. I heard the gel is great for hydration" Coran suggested.

"How about no?" Lance said.

Everyone glared at Lance. Veronica gave him another punch.

"What do you propose?" Shiro asked.

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