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Bella exits to find Charlie greeting the driver, Caleb Black, 17, Quileute, with shorter hair falling in messy curls around his forehead, and his younger brother, Jacob Black, 16, Quileute native, amiable with long black hair, and hints of childish roundness in his face. The three of them help Billy Black, into a wheelchair.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black" Charlie offers.

"Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since the two of you told him you were coming"

"Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill"

"Right after I ram you in the ankles" Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Caleb shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches Bella.

"I'm Caleb. We made mud pies together when we were little"

"Yeah... I think I remember.." Bella offers, Caleb smiles. "Are they always like this?" she motions to their dads.

"It's getting worse with old age" Caleb offers as Bambi runs out of the house, a huge smile on her face.

"Jakey!!" he turns and smiles.

"Bambi!!" he catches her as she jumps at him, he laughs and swings her around. She laughs as he puts her down. Charlie then pats the hood of the truck, addressing Bella as Caleb hugs Bambi, she smiles hugging him back.

"So what do you think of your homecoming gift?"

"No way. The truck is for me?"

"Just bought it off Billy, here" Charlie tells her.

"Me and Jake, we rebuilt the engine and..." Caleb tells Bella who smiles up at him.

"It's perfect!" She beams. It's the first genuine smile she's worn since entering the town. She rushes to the truck. Caleb eagerly joins her.

"Okay, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift, but...." Caleb hands her the keys as she climbs in.

"Maybe I can give you a ride to school" She offers.

"I go to school on the reservation"

"Too bad. Would've been nice to know at least one person..." Bambi clears her throat loudly. "That is not my sister" Bella adds. Charlie moves to Bambi and kisses her head.

"I didn't forget you.."

"It's just not finished yet" Jacob interrupts, Charlie smirks and moves back to Billy. Jacob wraps his arm around Bambi's shoulders and smiles watching Caleb and Bella. "So you're free now, right?" he asks, she looks to him and raises an eyebrow.

"I guess so...." she answers, he smirks.


Bambi wiggles her toes in the sand sat next to Jacob who smiles and nudges her shoulder, she turns and smiles at him. Caleb drops down at her other side and lays back in the sand.

"I've missed doing this" the older boy states as Bambi lays back with him. She reaches up and grabs Jacob's shirt pulling him down with them.

"No head starts" she warns with a smirk, he chuckles and lays down with them.

"On three" he states, Bambi and Caleb nod agreeing.

"One" Caleb starts flexing his toes in the sand.

"Two" Bambi adds setting her hands, palms flat, in the sand. Jacob glances to the two of them and smiles.

"Three!" he shouts, the three of them then bolting off of the sand and towards the sea, Bambi edges ahead, faster than the average human, Jacob kicks sand at the backs of her legs trying to slow her down, she laughs and looks to him as they race to the water's edge. Something they've been doing since they were old enough to wander off on their own, Bambi has never lost and she does not intend to now, she loves this, running, the sea air in her hair, mist from the sea speckling her cheeks, and the smell, the smell off the ocean and the beach. She takes a deep breath and smiles, looking down as her feet hit the water first and she keeps going before diving into the water, Caleb right behind her and Jacob last, she breaches the water laughing.

"I win!! Again" she looks to the brothers as they emerge to, Jacob's hair sticking to his face.

"You cheat" he points out.

"How did I cheat?" she asks amused. "I'm just faster than you both!" she splashes water at Jacob who grumbles and then smirks and disappearing under the water. "No!" Bambi warns as Caleb laughs, Jacob's hand wraps around Bambi's ankle and pulls her back under the water. She pushes at his chest under the water and he smirks back before they both float back to the surface. She flicks her hair back and smiles at Jacob who laughs splashing water at Caleb who splashes back. She's missed this. She never had friends like these two back in Arizona. Caleb flicks water at her.

"What's that face for?" he asks, she shrugs and smiles.

"I just...missed you guys" they both hug her and she smiles hugging them both back.


Bambi looks over what will be her car, she smiles and runs her hand over the bonnet as Jacob dries his hair, Bambi had just shoved hers up onto the top of her head in a ponytail.

"I'm just waiting on a few parts" Jacob tells her. "Then she'll be all ready to go"

"He" Bambi corrects with a smirk. "It's a he"

"Sure" Jacob teases as she leans through the window to look over the interior. "I figured you'd prefer a classic rather than a truck"

"You know me so well" she tells him back fiddling with a few buttons.

"Caleb said he'll give it a coat of paint..."

"No" Bambi shakes her head pulling out of the window. "It gives it personality"

"It's rust, Bambi" he corrects with a smirk.

"No...I love it, Jake, thank you" she moves to him and hugs him. He hugs her back and lifts her off her feet, she laughs.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now