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Water sprays from a hose as Bella and Connor wash her truck, he perches on top of the roof. Edward sits on the porch, Bambi in front of him between his legs. A boom box plays. Connor and Edward share a look. A conversation playing out between them. Connor then turns to Bella.

"Come to our house tomorrow" Connor invites. Bella looks up, aiming the hose badly - water ricochets off the cab and sprays in her face. He jumps down from the roof. Edward smirks as Bambi bites her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"Your house? With your family?" Bella asks, Connor wipes down the dented front fender, then reaches under it and, with his bare hands, easily pops a large dent out of the truck's body. She's too flustered to register it. "But... what if they don't like us?" Bambi then laughs, Bella shoots her sister a look.

"You're worried, not because you'll be in a houseful of vampires, but because you think they won't like you?" Bambi asks her.

"I'm glad I amuse you" Bella tells her back, Bambi smirks.

"You're highly amusing, Bells" Bambi reminds her, Edward smiles and kisses Bambi's cheek, he pulls back and stiffens sharing another look with Connor.

"What is it?" Bambi asks turning to him.

"A complication" he answers standing, he helps Bambi up. He turns to her. "I'll pick you up tomorrow" he tells her softly, she nods, he kisses her as a black car comes into view, and pulls up. Edward and Connor head to Edward's car, eyeing the passengers in side: Jacob, Caleb and their father, Billy, who's expression is intense. Anxious. Edward locks eyes with Billy. Jacob looks questioningly at his father. Bambi joins Bella and they watch Edward and Connor drive away, perturbed by the exchange. Bella forces a smile and goes to greet the visitors. Caleb sets up Billy's wheelchair and Billy climbs into it. Bambi smiles and moves to Jacob.

"Jake" she greets, he hugs her and she hugs him back.

"Hey, Bambi"

"Come to visit your truck?" Bella asks Caleb.

"Looks good. You got that dent out" Caleb tells her.

"Actually, we came to visit your flat screen. First Mariners game of the season" Billy tells them and then looks to Bambi. "Plus Jacob here kept bugging me to see you again" Bambi raises an eyebrow and looks to Jacob.

"Great, Dad. Thanks" Jacob shoots his father an irritated look, just as the police cruiser pulls up. Charlie climbs out, holding two six-packs.

"Pale Ale" he tells Billy, Billy holds up a brown paper bag.

"Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry" Charlie smiles, pleased. "Any luck with the Waylon case?" Billy asks.

"Found a footprint out at the crime scene today. A bare, human footprint" Billy seems disturbed but not surprised. Bella is horrified.

"A person did that?" Bella asks. Bambi snorts.

"A crazy person, walking around barefoot this time of year" Bambi adds.

"Spread the word out at the rez, will ya? Keep the kids out of the woods" Charlie tells Billy.

"Will do." Billy looks to Bella and Bambi. "Don't want no one else getting hurt" Bella looks away from Billy, unnerved. Bambi looks unphased by the comment.


Bambi flops onto her bed next to Jacob who watches her as she turns on her tv.

"Okay, what do you want to watch?" she asks laying back against his side.

"Whatever you want" Jacob tells her, she smirks and looks to him. He frowns at her.

"What?" she asks.

"You're...dating" he answer, she sits up and shrugs.

"I don't know....maybe" she cocks her head. "Why?"

"You've been here five minutes" He argues. "And now you're dating some guy you barely know...." Bambi raises an eyebrow at Jacob as he looks down. "I mean you just moved here....and...you're..." he stops, she cocks her head.

"I'm...what?" she asks. Jacob shrugs. "Tell me....what am I?" Jacob sighs.


"A freak?" she asks.

"No" he argues. "No, you're not a freak, Bambi. You're...unique and incredible....and beautiful" she smiles at him. "And you deserve someone who sees that and loves you for it" Bambi lays with her head on his chest.

"That's why you're my best friend, Jake" she tells him, he sighs, she just doesn't see it.

"Yeah" he agrees and wraps an arm around her. "I'll always be your friend, Bambi" he promises as he turns on the tv.


Bambi looks to Bella who fidgets with her hands, Bambi smirks and takes her hand. The two of them sat side by side watching tv, Jacob, Caleb and Billy having left after the game was over.

"It's going to be fine" Bambi tells her. "You worry all the time you'll miss out on everything happening around you" Bella and Bambi share a look before they are laughing together.

"Wow" Bella teases. "Sage Bambi"

"Shut up" Bambi chuckles. "You know it made sense" Bambi teases. "We'll be fine" she assures her sister. "We'll get through it together. Like we always have" Bambi tells her, Bella smiles and nods.

"Yeah, you're right"

"Usually am" Bambi teases, Bella chuckles and nudges her.


Bambi sets her violin on her shoulder and then sets her sheet music on the stand, changes her stance, she smiles and then begins to play.


Bambi floats near Edward, only their hands touching, but their bodies are nearing, so close, so sensual..Suddenly, Edward is yanked downward! Something has him, pulling him down.....Bambi's eyes pop open... and relief sweeps over her as she realises it was just a dream. But it haunts her. She swings her legs over the side of the bed and gets up.


Bambi closes the front door as she leave tucking her headphones into her ears, the sun only just starting the rise on the horizon, she can get a quick run in before she has to be back. She heads into the woods.


Edward is waiting for her when she gets back, she smiles apologetically and pulls out her headphones. Connor and Bella wait with him.

"Sorry" Bambi offers. "I lost track of time, give me five minutes" Bella snorts.

"You've never gotten changed in five minutes in your life" Bella teases.

"First time for everything" Bambi teases back running into the house. Bella chuckles. Connor and Edward share an amused look.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now