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Bambi sits writing in her journal, surrounded by blankets and pillows, her violin lays on the end of the bed, she smiles and writes: 'About three things I was absolutely positive. One, Edward was a vampire. Two, there was a part of him that thirsted for my blood. And three.....I was falling, unconditionally and irrevocably, in love with him' Bambi closes the journal and stands to dress. As she moves past her window, something catches her eye, she looks back out..Edward leans against his car, looking up at her with a small smile. She beams at the sight of him, he waves and she bites her lip, waves back.


Edward and Bambi walk through the moss-covered forest, his hand in hers.

"How long have you been like this?" she asks him.

"Since nineteen-eighteen. That's when Carlisle found me and Connor" he answers. She takes that in, it's a lot. But it stokes her curiosity.

"Where'd he find you?" she asks.

"In a hospital, dying of Spanish influenza. Our parents had already died"

"I'm sorry" she offers, he brushes his fingers over her cheek. "What was it like?"

"The word excruciating comes to mind. But what Carlisle did was much harder... not many of us have the restraint to do that"

"Didn't he just... bite?" Bambi asks.

"Not just. Our bite contains venom. And once we taste blood, a sort of.....frenzy begins. It's almost impossible to stop" Bambi frowns.

"But Carlisle clearly did"

"First with Connor, then with me, and then with his wife, Esme. He found her in a hospital, as well. The others followed"

"Does someone have to be dying then, to become like you?" she asks him. They now walk along a stunning coastline -- rugged black rocks, covered in bright green moss.

"... No, that's just Carlisle. He would never do... this, to someone who had another choice"

"So Carlisle's the reason why you hunt animals, instead of people?" Bambi asks as he lifts her up over a fallen tree.

"Not the only reason" He stops, looks down at her, serious, with emotion. "I don't want to be a monster" he tells her. She nods. Understands. He smiles."We call ourselves vegetarians, by the way... For our kind, hunting animals is like living on tofu. It keeps you strong but isn't very satisfying" Then abruptly, he whips past Bambi. She turns to see him standing on a large rock in the river.

"Show off" she teases, he shrugs.

"It's not that impressive, really. Anyone in my family can do this" he tells her.

"Can they all read minds, too?" she asks as he moves back to her, takes her hand.

"No, that's unique to me. But Connor can communicate through minds" Bambi turns to him and raises an eyebrow.

"Okay, so...I have to ask....why high school?" she asks. "You're....immortal and you choose to go to high school?" he shrugs and pulls her closer.

"Usually I do find it dull and repetitive" he answers. "But this time" he smirks and looks to her. "There's this girl....beautiful, smart, funny" she smirks a little. "And she makes me feel more human then I probably even did when I was human" she touches his chest then raises her arms around his neck. "And she's got these legs that just seem to....go on forever" she snorts and looks up at him, he brushes his hands over her face to push her hair back. "And I'm falling in love with her"

"Edward" she whispers, he smiles at her.

"It's okay, Bambi" he assures her. "You don't have to say it back.....tell me if and when you're ready" he kisses her quickly and then takes her hand, they walk together.


Edward tugs Bambi to him as they approach his car, he smiles and tilts her chin up to kiss her.

"Thank you for today" he tells her pulling back, he strokes her neck. "For listening....and for not freaking out" she smiles and shrugs.

"I'm just doing it to get into your pants" she teases, he laughs. "Honestly though" she sighs softly. "I thought about freaking out" she admits. "Many times, but...then I remember" she smirks straightening his shirt. "That I'm falling in love with you too" he smiles at her and pulls her closer to kiss her, his fingers in her hair, her hands find his waist and smiles against his lips, he pulls back and smiles down at her.


Bambi lets out a big breath as she falls onto the bed next to her sister, Bella smiles and pats her head.

"How was your day?" Bella asks.

"Fine. We talked" Bambi leans up onto her elbows. "What about you and grumpy?" Bella shoots her a look, Bambi smirks.

"Good. We talked too..."

"Soooo vampires, huh?" Bambi asks turning onto her back, Bella takes her hand.

"Yeah" Bella breaths. Bambi fidgets a little and then turns to her twin.

"The voices in my head" she starts, Bella looks to her. "They're not voices.....Edward is convinced they're thoughts and I'm...starting to believe him"

"Thoughts?" Bella asks, Bambi nods. "Are you sure?"

"I tested it, with Angela...."

"All these years" Bella tells her twin sadly. "We kept saying that....there was..something wrong with you, that, you were...."

"I know" Bambi interrupts. "It's okay, I didn't know either and before you ask....No, I can't hear you, or Edward, or Connor" Bambi frowns. "Or any of them actually"

"Connor said he can't communicate with my mind, maybe it's something like that" Bella offers.

"Yeah, maybe" Bambi agrees and yawns. "Sleep" she pushes her hand in Bella's face, Bella laughs and smacks her hand away. The two twins curl up with one another, Bella pulls the blankets up over them both. "I think I love him, Bells" Bambi admits falling asleep. Bella smiles and strokes her hair.

"Yeah, I think I am too"

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