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Connor stands with Bella who watches Bambi, Edward brushes her hair back, the two of them talking quietly.

"What are they talking about?" Bella asks.

"Bambi wants to be the one who....talks to Charlie" Bella looks down. "She thinks she's a better actress then you" Connor teases lightly.

"She is" Bella agrees. "And she can turn on the water works to get what she wants"

"And it works?" Connor asks.

"Oh yeah, every time" Bella answer. "Plus this is for Charlie and she's a daddies girl" Connor nods and wraps his arm around Bella. Edward and Bambi approach them. "Are you sure?" Bella asks Bambi who nods.

"Yeah, I mean....it's to protect him" Bambi answers taking Bella's hand, Bella squeezes it. Bambi looks to Edward. "Just don't take any of it to heart" she offers, Edward nods and strokes her cheek.

"I know" he assures her.


Charlie watches a baseball game on T.V. as the door suddenly open to reveal Bambi, crying, and Edward, devastated.

"I said, leave me alone!"

"Bambi, don't do this. Just think about it, please"

"Get out! It's over" She slams the door. Charlie has risen, baffled, concerned.

"Bambi?" What happened?" Charlie asks her.

"I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I'm leaving. Now" Bambi runs upstairs. Charlie hurries after her.


Bambi slams the bedroom door behind her. Edward's already there, pulling things from her drawers and shoving them into a duffel faster than humanly possible. Bambi leans against the door. There's a knock. Bambi takes a breath, Edward moves to her and cups her cheeks gently.

"Nadine. Did he hurt you?" Charlie asks.

"No, Dad"

"Then what? Did he break up with you?"

"I broke up with him" Edward kisses Bambi and goes back to packing her things.

"I thought you liked him?" Charlie asks from the other side of the door as Bella runs up the stairs, Charlie looks to her and silently asks what the hell happened? Bella shrugs and shakes her head back at him.

"That's why I have to leave" Bambi answers. "I don't want this. I want to go home" Edward moves back to her.

"Me and Connor'll be just outside" he whispers to her. "You can do this" she nods and mouths 'I love you' at him. "I know" he assures her and then he disappears out the window. Bambi takes a deep breath and gathers strength to continue her performance. She opens the door to reveal Charlie and Bella. They follow as she carries her duffel. Bambi charges down the stairs -- Charlie follows with Bella behind him.

"Your mother's not even in Phoenix." Charlie points out.

"She'll come home. I'll call her from the road" Bambi argues.

"You can't drive home now. I'll take you to the airport in the morning" Charlie offers.

"I want to drive" Bambi states. "I need time to think. I'll pull into a motel in a few hours. I promise" She heads down the stairs. Charlie follows, Bella takes a breath and follows them. Bambi reaches the ground floor with Charlie on her heels. She's almost to the door but Charlie blocks her.

"I know I'm not around much, but I can change that. We can do more things together" Charlie offers. Bambi takes a breath, hating herself for what she's about to say.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now