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Alice and Bella sit in the living room waiting for Bambi with Edward, he's worried about Bambi, she shouldn't have gone alone. Edward stands when the front door opens and closes. Intending on greeting Bambi. Comforting her if she needs it. She looks wrecked when she walks into the living room.

"How's Harry?" Bella asks as Bambi shuffles a little on her feet, Bambi nods a little.

"Yep," Bambi answers and then shrugs out of her jacket before dropping onto the couch. "Dead" She comments and lets out a breath. "Now if you'll excuse me" Bambi stands again, wanting to cry but wanting to do it alone where people can't see her doing it. She doesn't cry in front of people. "I am going to my room to cry in peace" She walks past them and heads upstairs without waiting for a reply. Edward's worried eyes follow her as she goes.

"Go after her" Bella tells Edward.

"She said she wants to be alone" Edward points out. Bella smiles sadly.

"She doesn't mean it, she needs you....." Edward nods a little and then follows Bambi up the stairs.


"Bambi?" Edward asks as he knocks on her bedroom door, he opens it up to find her sat on her bed, her knees pressed to her chest, arms locked around them. He steps into the room and closes the door behind him. Bambi lets out a breath.

"I really don't want to talk about it" She whispers, he nods.

"We don't have to" He assures her as he sits next to her. "We don't have to talk about anything" he adds, she leans into his side, his arm wrapping around, he presses his lips to her head to comfort her.


Edward lays with his arms around Bambi as she sleeps. It had taken a while for her to drop off with her emotions over Harry. She doesn't really understand why she is so upset by his death, yes, he was nice to her, yes, he actually seemed to care about her but she didn't think she was that attached to him. She sighs as she wakes, her hand coming up to rub at her eye. Edward strokes her hair a little, brushing it out of her face. She turns over to face him, his fingers tracing over her jaw and cheek as she stares at him.

"It's going to be okay" he whispers to her, she sighs a little and attempts a small smile. He leans closer and kisses her softly, she touches his arm and sighs against his lips.


Edward hands Bambi a mug of coffee and she takes it from where she is sat on the couch, a blanket over her legs. He takes the space at her side and squeezes her knee softly. She lets out a breath and curls into his side, taking comfort in him. Bella sits in the armchair, her worried eyes on Bambi. They're all worried about her. Edward kisses her head and closes his eyes. He is her imprint, and he is here to take care of her. He will always take care of her. Alice stands in the doorway looking empty, despairing. Bella notices first, but Edward seems aware, his eyes on his sister. Bella immediately hurries to her side.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Bella asks her, Edward is silent at Bambi's side as he watches through Alice.

"Connor" He answers instead. Bella looks at him.

"What about him? What happened?" Bella demands slightly. Alice takes a breath.

"I just saw him in a vision. He...thinks you're dead." Alice admits as she comes out of her vision. "Bella, he's going to Italy... to the Volturi..." Bella's eyes widen and she looks between Alice and Edward who are sharing a look, sharing a conversation. Bambi closes her eyes because she can already tell what is about to happen and she doesn't like it.


The door of Bella's bedroom slams open and Bella races in, shoving clothes into a bag. Bambi dogs her, protesting what she plans to do.

"Why do you have to go?" Bambi asks her.

"He won't believe Alice." Bella answers. "He has to see that I'm alive."

"He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Bambi reminds Bella.

"But I still love him, and I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt," Bella argues, Bambi shakes her head. "If it was Edward..." Bella starts.

"Don't you dare" Bambi warns. "It is not the same....this is not the same...."

"But if it was the other way around" Bella counters. Bambi shakes her head and sighs.

"What about dad?" Bambi asks her.

"I'm eighteen, legally free to go." Bella looks at Bambi and notes her look. "I'll leave a note." Alice enters the room.

"Got the airline tickets." Alice points out. Bambi snaps her head around.

"You and Edward, and the others might hunt animals but those monsters in Italy don't." Bambi reminds Alice.

"I'm well aware of what the Volturi are," Alice assures her.

"Then why are you taking Bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party?" Bambi scolds her.

"Right, she's better off here with Victoria stalking her. The one you dogs can't seem to catch?" Alice counters, Bambi glares at her.

"Alice" Edward scolds, Bambi growls and goes to take a step towards Alice, Edward is faster, he stops Bambi with a hand on her arm, she looks up at him, her eyes pleading with him to help her. "She's already made up her mind" he whispers to her. "I know" he is quick to stop her when she goes to argue. "But she's not going to change it" Bambi shakes her head a little. She can't believe Bella is putting herself in harm's way for Connor, when he's spent the last few months actively ignoring her. She would understand if she and he were still together. But they're not. She doesn't really understand why Bella is doing this. She shrugs his arm off him with a glare and then storms out of the room. Alice looks at Edward who nods back at her. They'll be fine. Alice and Bella need to concentrate on Connor. Edward will see to Bambi. Make sure she's okay.

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