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"These violent delights have violent ends..." Bambi reads from the book in her hand. Edward brushes her hair aside and kisses her neck. "And in their triumph die, like fire and powder..." she moans a little and Edward smirks against her neck. "Eddie, you keep doing that and I am going to want to do things that your old fashioned mind won't be able to comprehend" he chuckles into her neck and pulls her closer to his chest.

"Oh?" he asks smirking. "Like what?"

"That would be telling" she answers. "You said not until....."

"We're married?" he asks peering at the side of her face, she nods. "And I stand by it...I want you to be sure"

"I am sure about you" she assures him, he smiles and kisses her cheek. "You're what? A bazillion years old? And you're still about the no sex before marriage thing?"

"Not a bazillion" he corrects amused. "I'm ninety"

"Oh yeah, that's soo much better" she teases him, he laughs and nuzzles into her neck wrapping his arms around her.

"Well you love this bazillion year old" he teases back.

"Yeah, I do" she agrees with him softly.

"And don't think I don't know" he whispers into her ear, she turns her head to look at him. "Happy birthday, Nadine" he slips a small black box into her hand. She raises an eyebrow at him. "Relax" he coos. "Just open it" she touches the top of the box and then opens it, inside are two rings, she looks to Edward. "They're promise rings" he tells her. "One for you and one for me" he takes the box from her. "I want you to know how so very important you are to me....how serious I am about us" he takes her ring from the box and holds it out in front of her.

"Are those?" she asks reaching for it.

"Antlers? Yes" he answers. "Bambi" he teases. "I thought it fitting" he whispers taking her hand and sliding the ring onto her finger, the finger next to her other ring.

"It's beautiful" she tells him warmly. Edward takes his own ring and slides it onto his own finger and holds it with her ringed finger.

"It's a promise" he whispers. "I am yours...and you are mine" he kisses her head and she closes her eyes leaning against him. "Ah" He complains. "Your father is about to do the rounds" he teases. "I have to go. But I will see you later" he promises leaving her bed, she pouts at him and he smiles softly at her, and disappears just as Charlie enters carrying two gifts.

"Happy birthday, Bambino" he tells her, she smiles at him, he sits on the edge of her bed and sets the two gifts on her bed. "It's not much, I know, but...Bella's fall and her recovery, you've been a little left out" Bambi bites her lip and smiles reaching for the gifts, she pulls off the wrapping paper and then smiles.

"You got me a new violin?" she asks warmly.

"Bambino, you've had that violin since you were twelve years old, it's actually falling apart....this new one is long over due..." he tells her warmly. "You're a superstar, you're our superstar and we are supporting you" Charlie adds stroking her cheek, she sniffles and nods. "Hey" he whispers and strokes away her tears. "It's okay"

"I just....that you think that of me. Even after everything that happened with my head"

"You're our baby, Nadine" he assures her. "No matter what you are our baby" he kisses her forehead. "Open the one from your mother" he holds out the other gift. Bambi takes it and opens it, she gapes and then looks to Charlie.
"Dad..." she starts.

"We want the best for you" he tells her as she pulls the gift from the box.

"But this...." she offers. "This is an application for the Royal College of Music.....in London" she looks to him. "You want me to go to London?" she asks.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now