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The rest of English had been quiet, sure the guy sat next to her stared still but he tried to be more subtle about it. Bambi sighs leaning against her locker, a headache forming, it usually happens in crowds, pushing at her skull like it wants to burst, they'd only started once she started taking her anti-psychotics. Stops the voices, gives her a raging headache that can knock her down. She reaches up and rubs at her head as whispers, musing, mumbling start. Closing her eyes she takes a deep breath and wills them away, she's not going to be the freak that hears voices again. She jumps as Bella touches her arm, Bambi frowns and looks to her.

"Bambi?" Bella asks.

"I'm okay" Bambi whispers and turns to her locker.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Bella asks. "You get this look...."

"I just need to adjust my dose..." Bambi tells her back, opening her locker and sliding her books away. "I'll be fine" she smiles at her twin, then notices the set of her shoulders. "What's wrong?" she asks. Bella shrugs.

"Just....this guy in class..." Bella leans closer to her sister. "Do I smell funny?" Bambi raises and eyebrow and shakes her head.

"No, why? Did someone tell you you smell?" Bella shakes her head.

"Not out loud...just the way they sat" Bella shrugs and nudges her sister. "It doesn't matter....ready to go home?"

"Urgh, yes, these boots are killing me" Bella laughs looping arms with her sister.

"Then why do you wear them"

"Fashion is pain" Bambi offers smirking at her twin, Bella shakes her head amused.


Bella and Bambi enter the administration office, Bella stiffens and stops, Bambi looks to her and frowns, Bella lowers her head and Bambi looks to the counter where Connor Cullen is sweet-talking the enchanted female administrator.

"There must be something open sixth period. Physics? Biochem?"

"No, every class is full. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. I'm so sorry" Bella blanches, Bambi crosses her arms over her chest and pops her hip in annoyance, so this must be the guy that made out Bella stunk, Bambi's chest vibrates as a small growl resonates in her chest. A flurry of voices echoing in her head, and they surprisingly sound like the woman stood across from them, Bambi blinks and lowers her head. The Administrator sees the twins and gestures for them to wait a minute. But Connor suddenly straightens as if sensing them. He slowly turns to glare at Bella with piercing, hate-filled eyes. She backs to the wall, hugging herself, suddenly chilled... with fear. Bambi steps into his line of sight, growling, barley loud enough to hear, he looks to her surprised, her eyes cold and hard, dangerous. They stare at one another, until he is the one that feels fear, he turns away, confused and alarmed.

"I'll just... endure it" he tells the woman and then strides towards the door, he looks to Bambi once more, back to the sweet looking high schooler and reaching for Bella's hand, he walks past them and out of the room.


Bambi strides across the parking lot, her boots clicking away, Bella walks at her side, hunched in on herself. The difference between the two girls, the confidence of Bambi and the self-consciousness of Bella. Edward raises an eyebrow as Bambi looks across at Connor, and glares, Connor looks to Edward who looks to him. Connor replaying what had happened in the administration's office, Edward's eye brow raises higher. The vampires all stiffen and look to the old beat up car of Caleb Black's pulls into the car park.

"What are they doing here?" Rosalie snarls, Emmett nudges her. Edward looks across at Bambi as the car stops and both brothers get out, Bambi's face lights up and she hurries over to them, Jacob lifting her up into a hug as she reaches him. Jacob's thoughts flittering through child hood memories and then settling on Bambi in the sea with him. Edward clenches his jaw. That's a new feeling. Jasper looks to him and frowns. Edward ignores him and watches Bambi and Jacob. The way he hovers around her, almost too close, she touches his arm and laughs and he smiles all dopey at her.

"We'll bring her home in one piece" Caleb tells Bella who smirks and shakes her head.

"I've heard that before" Bella warns. "She came back with a broken finger"

"That wasn't our fault" Jacob complains. "She stuck it somewhere she shouldn't" Bambi laughs and presses her head to Jacob's shoulder.

"She was ten" Bella adds.

"And she is right here" Bambi tells them, Bella smiles at her twin.

"I'll tell Charlie..."

"Thanks" Bambi kisses Bella's cheek and then the Jacob and Bambi climb into the car. Bella grabs Caleb's arm as he goes to follow, Caleb frowns at her.

"Hey, keep an eye on Bambi" Caleb moves closer to Bella, Edward frowns listening.

"Why? What's wrong?" Caleb notes Bella's expression. "You think she's going to have an episode?"

"I don't know....she had this look earlier, you know, the one she gets when she has one of her headaches....and...they come back" Caleb nods.

"Yeah, I remember" Caleb tells her. "I thought she was on meds for her....episodes?" Caleb's mind flashes to memories of Bambi, of her answering unasked questions, of her knowing things she shouldn't, of her outting secrets she shouldn't have an idea of. Edward's frown deepens.

"Yeah, she is, but Fork has always made her weird...." Bella tells him, he smirks at her.

"Forks or Jacob?" He asks, Bella chuckles.

"Yeah, I don't know, both probably....just keep an eye on her" Caleb nods.

"Will do...I'll text you if anything happens" Bella nods.

"Thanks" Caleb turns and heads to the car and then they drive away, Edward watches till the car is out of sight and then turns to his family who are looking at him.

"What?" he asks moving to climb into his car, Connor follows, not before glancing back across at Bella who glances to him. Bella's smile fade and she hurries to her truck, Bambi's not there to protect her any more. "Connor" Edward calls for his brother, Connor tightens his jaw and then climbs into the car.

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