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Charlie sits in his armchair and looks to Bambi sat curled up on the sofa, some old black and white monster movie playing on the tv, she looks so small sat there, and it breaks his heart.

"It's Halloween in three days" Charlie starts, bringing up her favourite thing, to make it all better. "You're not decorating?" He watches as Bambi shrugs pulling her knees up to her chest.

"I don't really feel like celebrating this year" she mumbles.

"But....we do Halloween every year" he reminds her, sadly, he'd hoped this would cheer her up, Bambi has never missed a Halloween with him, it's their thing, she loves it, always goes all out for it, decorations, costumes, music, make up, the whole nine yards. She looks to him, her eyes glassy and tear filled, but she nods and fakes a smile for him. Just another person to be strong for.

"Okay" she whispers. "We can do Halloween" And Charlie now feels bad, which is great, sarcasm, he thought her doing something he knows she loves would cheer her up, not make it worse. "I'll go out tomorrow and get the decorations" she stands.

"Bambi" he whispers.

"It's okay, Dad" she tells him. "Normal is good" he takes her hand and looks up at her. "We should keep things normal....and normal is Halloween" she squeezes his hand and then lets go walking away from him.


Bambi looks at the hanging skeleton on the shelf and cocks her head.

"Hey, Bambi" a teenage boy about her age states walking up to her. Bambi looks to him. "I'm Daniel" he offers, she raises an eyebrow at him. "You're in my algebra class"

"Right" she agrees.

"Halloween fan?" he asks motioning to the basket filled with Halloween decorations.

"Yeah actually" Bambi answers, he holds out a flier.

"Well there is this party tonight, if you fancy doing something a little more.....exciting" he offers, she takes the flier. "Hope to see you there" he coos slightly and walks away, Bambi watches him go before she looks down at the flyer in her hand, a house party for Halloween, it's not something she'd usually look at, but a chance to disappear, to put on a costume and let it all go, she can be as happy or as sad as she wants, she can drink and dance and forget the world outside.


Bambi pulls on a leather jacket as she enters the living room, Charlie raises an eyebrow.

"Jake asked if I wanted to watch terrible horror movies" she admits. "I kind of told him I would, I know we do Halloween every year" she starts

"No" Charlie interrupts. "No, it's okay, go hang out with Jake" he gives her a small smile. "You weren't feeling it this year any way, we'll do something next weekend, just you and me, watch the game? Or go out for lunch?"

"Sounds great" she tells him warmly before leaving, she releases a breath at the front door before opening it and slipping out. She hates lying to Charlie but there is no way he'd be okay with the real thing she's doing tonight.


Car doors open on all sides. Teenagers pour out from cars outside the music rattled windows of suburban house. Bambi stares up at the house, her hands in her pockets. She takes a breath and then climbs the steps to the house, the door swings open to reveal Daniel.

"Well, if it isn't the new star runner. I was hoping you'd come" he tells her, she smiles a little and bites her lip. "Bar's out back" He opens the door wide for her.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now