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A/N - I CAN'T REMEMBER IF I GAVE YOU GUYS A VISUAL FOR BAMBI'S WOLF. SO HERE SHE IS JUST IN CASE I DIDN'T. (Black = Wolf. White = Vampire. Facial and paw markings = Fae)

Bambi sits on the porch, her legs crossed, she's finally started to adopt the whole wolf get up

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Bambi sits on the porch, her legs crossed, she's finally started to adopt the whole wolf get up. Shorts and a vest. Caleb is pressed against her back with his own, back to back as they talk. She's feeling much better about the whole pack and wolf thing, even if she doesn't fully understand it, yet. Sam keeps assuring her that everything will be okay, that he'll figure it out. That they will get answers. She glances back to Caleb who shrugs a little and smirks at her, she rolls her eyes. A howl pierces through the sky and their heads snap up like meerkats, and then they're on their feet, nothing is said, nothing is needed. They both bolt into the trees, weaving through them before two humans become two wolves. Caleb takes a moment to admire Bambi as a wolf because she is something else, her design, her coloring, it's....incredible. She's incredible. Of course, just as she is in life, she is in wolf, beautiful. Paws pound the dirt as they race towards the sound of the howl. The wind whips past them as they pick up their speed. Fast. Bambi loves fast. They are soon joined by Embry and Jacob who run into Caleb as the reach them, Bambi ahead of them as she runs. Just as fast as she is on the track. Her legs propelling her forward. She loves running. And now is no different. There is something more here too, a connection to the earth that she feels with each step, it flows through her. Almost like it's magic. She bounds over a small rock huddle and then has to force herself to stop, Sam, Jared, and Paul are waiting for them. She skids to a stop careening into Sam slightly, he huffs and looks to her.

[Sorry] she mumbles in her head, he snorts and nudges her shoulder with his own.

[What's going on?] Caleb asks rounding the two of them, anxious slightly as to why they've all been called together.

[Leech in the trees] Sam answers. [Picked up a scent near the boundary....] he nods his head towards the boundary of the treaty. Bambi's mind flashes with images of the Cullens' [It's not them] Sam tells her. [I'd recognize them...this is new] she huffs and shakes out her fur a little. Hiding her disappointment.

[Then who is it?] Embry asks before snapping at Bambi's tail as she smacks him in the face with it.

[Let's find out] Sam orders shooting them both a look, Bambi's tail drops between her legs slightly, scolded. It is known between them that Sam does let her get away with more than the others, she's the only girl, and she's not part of the tribe, it's all new and different for her, so he's a little more lenient. Not that the others mind. She's the baby sister none of them wanted but still adore and look after. Sam barks and then the pack moves, into the trees. Towards the boundary line to pick up the scent. There is something else in the air too. Bambi snaps her wolf head up as she sniffs at the air. Something....something familiar.

[Bella] she states, concerned and surprised. Sam moves to her side and nudges her head with his.

[Where?] he asks her back, she sniffs turning her head to locate her, but that's not the only scent she finds. Something flickers through her head, an image, a face. Laurent. She doesn't hesitate. She just moves. Sam's bark snaps behind her, but not at her. At the rest of the pack, they're moving with her, following her. They've got her back.

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