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Bambi heads down the stairs pulling her hair into a braid over her shoulder, she moves into the living room, it's neater, rearranged more attractively. Clearly, Bambi's given it her touch. She sweeps through, folding Charlie's fleece jacket, straightening up. She grabs her book bag.

"Dad, we're heading out" she shouts as Bella joins her.

"Dad?" Bella asks, the twins share a look and Bambi shrugs.


Outside Bambi pulls her scarf around her neck as Bella pulls a face at the rain, the yard is full of puddles, some frozen.

"Raining, again" she mumbles, Bambi looks to her.

"Urm...It's Forks" she points out. "It's always raining" Bella shivers, wraps her coat tight.

"Great" Bella's truck, driving by Charlie pulls into the drive. "Dad, I can drive myself to school" Bella states as she walks down the steps, she doesn't realise, something's watching her, Bambi frowns though, she snaps her head to the trees, eyes narrowing at the trees. Bella moves towards her truck, slips, arms flailing, Bambi is suddenly behind her and grabbing her, pulling her back up.

"You okay, Bells?" Bambi asks, Bella nods as Charlie walks towards them.

"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated" Bella mumbles and looks to Bambi. "Thanks" Bambi smiles and loops arms with her.

"That's why I got you new tires" Bella looks over at the truck -- yep, four new tires. "The other ones were nearly bald"

"You got me new tires. No one's ever done that before" Bella states, Charlie and Bambi give her a weird look. "I mean... nothing" she mumbles, Charlie clearly doesn't get it as heads toward his Cruiser.

"I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal....."

"An animal?" Bambi asks.

"You're not in Phoenix any more, honey. They've been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand" he answers.

"Be careful" Bella tells him, he looks to the twins softly and nods.

"Always am"

"And thank you. For the tires" Bella offers. He sees emotion in her eyes. Doesn't understand it, but nods, heads inside. Bella looks at the tires again, oddly moved. Bambi turns to her sister.

"Tires? That's what gets you all dewy eyed?"

"At least it's not when the villain dies in movies" Bella argues back.

"Hey, some of them are mostly just misunderstood....it's not their fault they're evil" Bambi argues, Bella looks to her and smirks. "Why do they deserve to die?"

"Bambi..." Bella sighs softly.


"We're not having this argument again" Bella scolds, Bambi smirks and pulls out her car keys. "I'll see you at school" Bella tells her climbing into her truck, Bambi moves to climb into her car.


Bambi sets her work in her locker and grabs her book for English as Bella approaches and steals an orange slice from Bambi's locker, the older twin had been snacking on them whilst sorting through her bag.

"So guess who's back?" Bella asks, Bambi looks to her and shrugs.


"Connor Cullen"

"Who?" Bambi asks, Bella sighs.

"You are probably the only person in the entire school who has no idea who he is.....you sit next to his twin in most of your classes"

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now