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Edward sits across the chess board from Carlisle who rests his chin in his hand.

"She has no idea where the ring came from" Edward tells him. Carlisle looks to him. "Just that the chief gave it to her....if it is connected to Alistair, she has no idea" Carlisle hums and then leans back.

"I can reach out to him, try to anyway, Alistair is notoriously hard to find, the way he likes it" Carlisle offers. "It could take days....weeks...months...depends where he is" Edward nods.

"I'm torn..." Edward admits. "A part of me doesn't want her to find all this out, to drag her deeper into this world, for her to keep on believing she's human"

"But you want her to know who she really is, who she was born to be?" Carlisle offers, Edward nods.

"For her to understand why she is different....why she is...extraordinary, for her to know that there isn't something wrong with her" Edward adds. "For her to embrace her gifts and not...shy away from them because...she's afraid of being different, of being a freak" he stands and shrugs. "Contact Alistair.....if he has no idea then......I'll drop it" he offers, Carlisle nods.

"It's going to come down to whether the truth makes her happy, Edward, if she is happy as she is.....why upset her?" Edward nods.

"I know" Edward agrees.


Bambi, dressed for bed, looks out the window as it starts to rain, she closes her eyes and touches her neck as she talks on the phone with Rene. Bambi's euphoria still lingers in her eyes.

"So spring training's going well?" she asks. Rene talks on her cell. Phil is in the background, post-batting practice, chowing down with a couple of teammates.

"Phil's working hard. We're looking around for a house to rent, in case it becomes permanent. I know you like Forks, but you'd like Jacksonville too, baby"

"Actually, I was...thinking of staying here....with Dad....."

"Are you sure? Bambi, you know Forks makes your.....illness worse...."

"I've been....better" Bambi admits. "I've had two headaches since coming here, two tiny incidents at school....I feel...." Bambi smiles realising why she's not had issues. "I feel great"

"Could... a guy have something to do with that?" Rene asks, Bambi smiles wider moving to her desk.


"Tell me everything! Jock? Indie? Bet he's smart. Is he smart?"

"Well... he is kind of a music buff" She turns from the desk to find Edward lying on her bed smiling. She nearly drops the phone. "I have to go" Bambi tells her mother.

"No way, we gotta talk boys. Are you being safe?" Rene asks, Edward shoots her a look, he heard that. She's mortified.

"I'll call you later, Mom" Bambi hangs up and looks to Edward. "How did you get in here?" she asks, he motions to the window above her bed and smirks.

"The window. As always" he answers.

"You've been here before?" she asks moving closer to him.

"What else is there to do at night?" he teases back, she pushes him. He grabs her hand and playfully pulls her onto the bed with him.

"You're a peeping Tom! Perv!" she scolds lightly.

"Shh! The Chief will hear you!" he warn. But the electricity of their physical contact quickly overwhelms them, their laughter quieting. He studies her face. "I just... like watching over you" he admits and raises his fingers to her lips, sending a thrill up her spine. He kisses her, she smiles against his lips and kisses him back. He strokes her arm and pulls back. She then carefully lies on his chest. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her head. "I love you, Nadine" he admits, she lifts her head.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now