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Bambi groans as she starts wakes in the passenger-side of Edward's volvo, he looks to her and then back to the road. Bambi jerks awake and looks around before settling on Edward, she sees that he's seething with anger, hands gripping the steering wheel, jaw clenched. Her mind works, coming up with her last memory before she passed out, oh, she looks to her hand and then away, back to Edward.

"Are you okay?" he asks not looking to her, she nods.

"Yeah" she whispers. "I think so....what happened? How did you find me?" she asks rubbing her hands on her jeans.

"I should go back and rip their heads off" she looks to him.

"What? No, that's...stupid"

"You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking" She raises an eyebrow.

"According to you I could have...." he looks to her and sighs.

"Right...did you?" she shakes her head.

"No....I took double of my antipsychotics this morning, it felt like it was going to be a bad day" he looks to her, she smirks and then laughs. "Turns out I was right" she looks to him. "Did you know what they were thinking?" she asks.

"Not hard to guess" he mumbles, she stares at him before huffing and turning away, aware that he's lying to her. It's alright for him to know everything about her but when it comes to the other way around.

"So how 'bout some answers?" she asks. He glances to her and then away.

"Yes, no. To get to the other side, and 1 point 772453851"

"I didn't ask for the square root of pi" she tells him, he looks surprised.

"You knew that?"

"What? Because I'm pretty I have to be dumb?" she asks, he looks to her.

"No, of course not" he reassures her. "You're not dumb, Bambi"

"How did you know where I was?" she asks, he looks away.

"I didn't" He answers, she shakes her head, frustrated, and looks away. He seems torn by some internal dilemma.

"Were you following me?" she asks.

"I feel very protective of you" he answers.

"So that's a yes?" she asks.

"Yes, I followed you. I tried to keep my distance...until you needed help" he tells her, she spins the ring on her finger as she puts everything together.

"You said before... That you heard what those guys were thinking.." he looks to the road, he knew that his lie wouldn't have fooled her, she really isn't as dumb as people think she is. "Can you... read minds too?" he shrugs.

"I'm thinking of getting a nine-hundred number"

"Alright, so you read minds... What am I thinking?" she smirks. "Wait -- okay now, go" he looks to her.

"I have no idea" he tells her. "I can read every mind out there....except yours and Bella's. It's quite frustrating"

"Why, what's wrong with us?" she asks, he looks to her.

"I tell you I read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?" He smiles, charmed by her.

"Well if you're right, then I read minds too....and I can't read yours" she tells him, he looks to her.

"At all?" he asks, she shakes her head.

"Nope..." she smirks. "Guess there's something wrong with the both of us" she tells him, he smiles and looks to her, she smiles back at him. But his smile fades, that torn look returns. "What is it?" she asks.

"I..." he looks to her softly. "Bambi, I don't have the strength to stay away from you any more" he whispers.

"You've been staying away from me?" she asks, he looks to her.

"Not as much I should be" he answers, she smiles and reaches over, gently pries one of his hands from the steering wheel and threads her fingers with his. He watches their joint hands, she leans back in her seat and looks out the window, setting their joint hands in her lap. He smiles again and holds onto her hand. Bambi then grabs her bag and pulls out her cell phone to find missed calls from Bella. "I answered" Edward tells her, she looks to him. "I told her you were fine and that I was taking you home" she drops her phone back into her bag and leans back. "What did happen?" he asks, Bambi scratches at her palm before shrugging and looking away.

"I don't know" she answers, he rubs his thumb over the back of her hand. "It's only ever happened once before" he glances to her. "I had this fight once with my mother" she looks to him. "And my hand got itchy" she admits. "And then there was this.....light" she looks away again. "Shattered a vase.......it happened again earlier. Weird things keep happening to me" she whispers, he lets go of her hand to stroke her cheek, she lifts her head to look at him.

"It's okay" he tells her. "It makes you unique" he smiles at her.

"That's not always a good thing" she counters, he shrugs.

"I like unique things" he tells her, she looks away and smiles, Edward smiles looking to the road.


Edward walks Bambi to the porch of her home, she smiles and turns to him.

"Thanks" she offers. "For....today"

"You're welcome" he takes her hand. "I'm just glad you are okay...if I'd gotten there later or if you hadn't.....well" Bambi smiles at him, then leans up and kisses his cheek, he closes his eyes, his hand moving to her waist. She pulls back and he opens his eyes to her.

"Goodnight, Edward" she tells him before walking inside, Edward smiles and heads towards his car.


Bambi pulls her kimono around herself as she moves to her bedroom window and sits with her journal before touching her cheek with a smile, can feel the ghost of a hand over her skin. She sighs softly and looks down at her journal.


Edward sits in his armchair with a huge book open in his lap. It's open on a page about Photokinesis. He purses his lips and touches an illustration of a Fae. Fairy. It would also explain the telepathy. He looks to Carlisle who sits at his desk.

"Have you ever met a fairy?" Edward asks, Carlisle raises an eyebrow at him.

"Not a full one" Carlisle answers. "But I've met a halfling...." Edward stands and sets the book in front of Carlisle.

"I think Bambi is a fairy" Edward tells him.

"She's not" Carlisle corrects. "If she was, none of you would be able to control yourselves around her" Carlisle closes the book. "Fairy blood is....it's...it attracts the supernatural" Carlisle cocks his head. "I would say she could be half but....I'll check her medical file" Edward raises an eyebrow. "Those with Fairy blood have no blood type" Edward nods and looks to the book.

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