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May (2 months later): At a picnic table, Charlie cleans a fish with a big knife. Edward and Connor both wait awkwardly near Edward's Volvo, Connor's Mercedes parked behind it, Edward and Connor are both dressed in elegant suits. But even calm Edward is unnerved by Charlie's glare. The front door opens and they look up to see Bambi framed in the doorway in a stunning long purple dress. Edward is enchanted. She smiles at him and he smiles back, utterly enamoured. Bambi lifts up the bottom of her dress and walks down the steps, Edward moves to greet her.

"Hey" she greets.

"Hello" he whispers softly and takes her hand, he starts to walk her to the car but she stops him.

"Wait" she tells him and turns back to the house as Bella leaves it, adjusting the bottom of her dress. Bella descends the steps with difficulty, due to her leg cast. Charlie edges out Connor to help her down.

"Bambi lent me the dress. It was the only thing that would fit over my cast. Is it too...?" Bella starts.

"You're perfect" Connor assures her and then looks to Charlie. "I'll take good care of her, Chief"

"Heard that before" Charlie mumbles. Edward moves to open the car door with Connor. Charlie holds Bella and Bambi back. "I put new pepper sprays in your bags"

"Dad" Bambi scolds.

"... and... you both look beautiful" Charlie adds brushing Bambi's hair back over her shoulder. Father and daughters share a smile.


Edward's Volvo pulls up to this lovely inn. He climbs out of the car and moves around to the other side to open the door for Bambi, careful of her dress she climbs out and takes his hand as he offers it to her.

"Thank you" she tells him warmly as he shuts the car door behind her. He wraps his arm around her waist and smiles.

"You really do look beautiful" he tells her.

"I know" she tells him back, he smirks and strokes her side and then begins to guide her through the dining room. Mr. Molina and other teachers are there. They don't notice the back of a Redhead, mingling with the chaperones. Edward guides her around a corner to the back of the venue. The prom. Monte Carlo style. Gaming tables and roulette wheels. Guys in tuxes and girls in gowns gamble for prizes, dance and socialise. They continue into the prom. Several heads turn. Bambi sees the dance floor, where a gap has formed. In the middle, two couples whirl gracefully. It's Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, looking absolutely stunning. Rosalie glances over; indifference has replaced fury. But Alice waves brightly. Bambi returns it with a smile. The music changes and Bambi turns to look at the dj turntable. It's Eric at the turntables, making the room bounce! Next to him, Angela wears the headphones, flipping through a stack of vinyl. They nod at Bambi -- she shoots them a smile when a flashbulb gains her attention, she turns and finds Mike and Jessica stand in front of an Aston Martin cut-out. Bambi catches their eye -- Mike does his best James Bond impersonation. Jessica poses like Pussy Galore. Edward smirks, then turns to Bambi.

"Shall we?" he asks holding out his hand to her, she smiles and takes his hand. He walks with her to the dance floor and spins her closer. She smiles and takes his other hand. "You're dancing" he whispers.

"At prom" she adds, he pulls her closer to dance with her.


Bambi and Edward walk, away from the party, he drapes his jacket over her shoulders and lifts her hair from the back of it.

"How's that?" he asks, she smirks up at him.

"I run hot, Eddie" he smiles a little.

"I just..."

"You're concerned, it's sweet" she touches his cheek. "And I love that about you" he smiles warmer at her. "But the cold is something you never have to worry about with me" he kisses her forehead. "Are you worried?" she asks as he pulls back.

"About what?" he asks back.

"My mortality" she answers. He looks to her. "Your venom had no effect on me, well no more affect then flu..." she looks to him.

"I'm not worried" he tells her. "I'm relieved"

"Relieved that I will grow old and die?" she asks.

"Relieved that you won't be cursed to be what I am" he answers. "Relieved that you will live a full life" he kisses her softly and then pulls back. "You're going to have a long and happy life with me" she smiles at him.

"Promise?" she asks wrapping her arms around his neck, Edward smiles down at her.

"I promise" he agrees and then kisses her.


Bambi turns to Edward as they approach his car.

"So.." she starts. "We have an entire summer..."

"We do" he agrees, she touches his chest and smiles, he takes her hand and smiles back at her. "I won't lie" he starts. "I am going to hog you all summer" he teases, she chuckles. "I am" he assures her, leans down and kisses her. "I love you, Nadine Swan" he tells her pulling back. "No matter how long we have together, I will always love you" she smiles at him.

"I love you too" he pulls back to open the car door for her.

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