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Bella sits in a chair opposite Carlisle who mops up her blood as he removes glass shards from her arm. He drops one into a bowl; PLINK. She tries not to look at the blood. Bambi leans against the wall worrying the sleeve of her cardigan.

"I sure can kill a party" Bella tells Carlisle.

"It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us" Carlisle offers.

"Seems like you're the only one it doesn't effect" Bambi tells him.

"Centuries of practice"

"Did you ever think of... living differently?" Bella asks.

"I enjoy my work too much. Helping people, saving lives. I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I am damned"

"Damned? You're not damned" Bella corrects.

"Then you and I agree. But Edward and Connor don't believe there's an afterlife for our kind" Carlisle tells the twins. "They think we've lost our souls"

"That's why he won't.." Bella starts. "Connor thinks he'd be damning me" Bella admits.

"If you believed as he did, would you risk it?" Carlisle asks Bella as Bambi pulls a face.


"You're upset" Bella states watching Bambi. "About the whole....vampire thing" Bambi looks to her. "You don't want it?" Bella asks.

"No" Bambi answers quickly. "No, I don't....And I don't understand why you do"

"Because I want to be with Connor" Bella explains. "Forever"

"You've known him six months" Bambi points out. "Six months and suddenly you just know he's the one"

"And you don't about Edward?" Bella asks.

"I love Edward" Bambi admits. "But I don't know yet if he's 'the one'. Who's to say there is just one 'the one'? And yeah, Edward may be it...but it's only been a few months" Bambi takes a breath and then starts to pace, she growls a little and turns to Bella. "And do you know what, I am going to make sure that it never happens" Bambi promises Bella.

"You don't get to make that decision for me, I've already decided"

"Given that it's dumb ass decision, I've chosen to ignore what you want"

"Bambi" Bella begs.

"If you even bring this up again, you can forget about me being your sister" Bambi threatens. "And I mean it..." Bella and Bambi stare at one another. "You're staying human" Bambi tells her, Carlisle clears his throat, he and Connor stand in the doorway.

"I'll drive you home" Connor tells Bella not looking to her, Bella stands and moves to Connor. Bella looks to Bambi who takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"I think it's best you two aren't in a confined space together" Carlisle tells Bella who looks away from Bambi. "And I wanted to talk to her anyway" Bella nods, she and Connor leave. Carlisle moves towards Bambi who looks to him. "Quite the temper you have" he tells her.

"It comes out around stupid" she adds and sits down. "I don't know where it comes from" she admits. "Dad is....well he may be police but I've never seen him angry, ever, and Mom....she" She smirks. "She's too quirky to get angry.....and Bella's just way too timid. Guess I got all the angry, plus you know, adds to the crazy" she teases a little.

"Just add it to the growing list with you, shall we?" Carlisle asks, she nods.

"What's is wrong with me?" she asks.

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