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Edward's laptop screen shows a split page, one internet search for apartment listings in Portland, the other a series of messages between him and Bambi. The last four days they've been talking, exchanging messages. It's easy to fall back into old patterns with her. It's just easy with her. And he has this need to be close to her. He always has this need. So now he has to choose to do something about it. Stay away and both he and she will remain miserable and alone. Or he can go back to her, mend what broke, hope that she can forgive him, that he can forgive himself for what he did, for how it ended, for not fighting hard enough for her. Edward paces on the phone, talking to a real estate agent about a property he's seen. He thinks it will be perfect for him...for him and Bambi maybe. Soft warm colours. Plenty of space, homely and sweet. He could add to it. He knows he and she both love music. It's a great space for music. And he is offering more than the asking price. For his future with Bambi he'd do anything. He made a mistake in thinking he could leave her and everything would be okay. It's not. And both of them are far from okay. He smiles as he hangs up. Deal done. He taps his phone in his hand and checks the time. Only an hour ahead. But it's still early. He could call her and hope she's awake, or wait. And whilst waiting is not the option he wants to choice, he knows she likes her sleep, so he chooses not to. He sets his phone down and sits back at his laptop. He can plan for now.


Bambi stretches out in her bed and then curls up again, reluctant to get up and face the day. She just wants to stay in bed and forget the world. If she faces Sam she might blab that she's been talking to Edward. She's managed to avoid him since she told Bella the truth. Skirting around the pack. She knows she will have to face them eventually. Face the consequences of her actions. Edward is....part of her. Despite the circumstances. Despite everything, something inside of her calls out for him, yearns for him. And it's not even like it's always been that way, this started with the whole stupid wolf stuff. Oh that's what it is. It's all the wolf's fault. Bambi grumbles as she sits up. Of course it is.

"Stupid wolf stuff" she states sitting on the edge of her bed and takes a breath. Her phone rings on her bedside table. She subconsciously smiles as she reaches for it. As she presses accept she brushes her hair over her shoulder.

"How long will it take you to reach Portland?" Edwards asks as she picks up.

"Well, good morning to you too" Bambi states. "I slept well thanks for asking" Edward laughs. "Now, what did you ask?"

"Portland" he answers. "How long till you can get there?"

"I don't know" she offers. "4 hours?" she shrugs a little an rubs at her eyes. "Wait, why?" she asks him and then sits up straighter. "You haven't done something stupid, have you?" she asks him.

"Depends on what you think is stupid" he answers.

"We only started talking again, like, 3 days ago, meeting is...." she sighs. "I can't do that" she admits, she knows, somehow she knows that the second he sees her he's going to know what she is now. And part of her doesn't want that. She doesn't want him to know that she is his natural enemy.

"Bambi" he starts.

"It's just not a good idea" she interrupts him. "I know you want it to go back to how it was, but it can't" he closes his eyes. "We tried, and it didn't work"

"It'll be different this time" he promises her.

"How?" she asks. "You're still a vampire, I'm still....whatever I am, Connor still broke my sister's heart....you still...you still left"

"I know" he whispers. "I know, but if we can just talk...face to face...."

"No" she answers. "No, you're too distracting for a face to face" she teases weakly. "This is better, over the phone, messaging...just for now"

"Okay" he states. "If that's what you want"

"It is what is best, you know it is" she counters, he nods.

"I'll be in Portland anyway" he admits. "I'll text you the address, if you change your mind" he offers, she hums a little and stands to look out the window, Sam looks up at her from the treeline.

"I have to go" she tells Edward and then hangs up not waiting for a reply. Sam nods to the trees and Bambi sighs knowing this is it.


Bambi closes the backdoor quietly so as not to wake Charlie or Bella before she slowly, not really wanting to have it out with Sam, makes her way to the woods. She takes a deep breath and glances to her phone as Edward's address text comes in. Portland. She's never been before. She doesn't know if she's going like it. Not that it matters she supposes, she'll be there to see Edward. To see him after so long. Her insides are all knotted up. Tingly. She misses him. She heads through the trees but Sam's not waiting very far away. He turns to face her and she sighs rolling her eyes.

"Alright" she states. "Let's get this over with, shout, scream, whatever..." Sam sighs a little.

"Yeah, I'm not mad" he assures her softly. "The others explained the whole twin bond to me....turns out, I was the dick" she smiles a little. "Bambi, I don't want to keep you away from your family" he tells her stepping closer. "I just want to protect them"

"I know" she whispers. "I want to as well. But keeping people in the dark isn't always the way to do that....Bella, she was terrified by us" he looks down. "But when I explained....she smiled, she told me she felt safe...." Sam nods a little. "That she knew I had her back...." he looks to her. "She's my sister, my twin sister....she means everything to me, and I hate lying to her, I had to tell her"

"I know you did" he motions her closer and she smiles as he wraps his arm around her shoulders. "I'm not mad" he repeats softer.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now