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Bambi holds out a glass of water and two painkillers to Bella who lays in bed, Bella smiles and takes them from her.

"How are you feeling?" Bambi asks sitting in the wicker armchair, pulls a black feather bower into her lap.

"Slight headache" Bella answers. "But fine...." Bella holds up her blanket and Bambi smiles moving to crawl into bed with her sister.

"I'm glad you're okay" Bambi tells her, Bella smiles.

"Me too" they share a look and then laugh together, Charlie watches them from the doorway, smiling as they both laugh together, like true sisters. Bambi holds up her hand and Bella threads her fingers with her and the twins lean against one another.


Edward sits with Bambi in their Chemistry class the next day. Edward looks to Bambi who has her hair thrown over one shoulder as she makes notes, a pair of googles on her face and a lab coat over her shoulders.

"What's next?" she asks, he looks away from her to the text book in front of him, he doesn't need it, he already knows all this.

"5 grams of Calcium Hydroxide" he answers looking back at her, she reaches over the desk for the jar of Calcium Hydroxide. "How's your sister?" he asks, she looks to him and nods.

"She's fine...Bella's always been clumsy" Edward smirks, amused.

"You think that she almost got hit by a car because she's clumsy?" Bambi shrugs and smirks back.

"Then call it bad luck" she teases. "When we were seven" she starts opening the jar of chemical powder. "Our mother, for some reason, thought ballet would be a good idea..." Edward smirks. "And even before then Bella was terrible for accidents, anyway.....first ballet recital we're part of the Winter section..." she looks to him. "You know, Vivaldi's Four Seasons?" he nods. "And it's a simple routine, I mean we're seven..." she smirks. "And within three moves Bella's on her ass on the floor and crying" Edward smirks wider listening to her, Bambi laughs. "Turns out her laces had come undone" Bambi tells him. "She's just always attracted clumsy....Like a magnet"

"What about you?" he asks, she raises an eyebrow.

"What about me?" she asks back.

"Are you clumsy?" he asks, she shakes her head and smiles.

"No. I've never had that problem"

"I assumed it's the reason behind your name" Edward tells her, she smirks and looks to him.

"Ah, no, nothing to do with being clumsy.....but slow" He cocks an eyebrow.

"If there is something I wouldn't associate with you it's slowness, I heard you broke the school's 100m record" She shakes her head.

"Not speed...I had trouble learning to walk" he smirks. "It's my one weakness" she teases, he smiles.

"Your only weakness?" he asks, she smirks and bites her lip.

"That would be telling" she teases back, she reaches across the desk for the bottle of Calcium Hydroxide, only to succeed in spilling it, all over the back of her hand, she hisses, Edward grabs her wrist and pulls it under the tap at the centre of the table, turns on the cold water. "I'm fine" she tells him.

"Calcium Hydroxide is a chemical, Bambi" he tells her rubbing the powder from her hand, she watches him as he concentrates on her skin, brushing his fingers over it. "If you were to get it in your eyes or in your mouth" he pulls her hand out of the water and frowns, there are a few burns but they're rapidly disappearing, healing, he looks to her and she pulls her hand back, drying them on her lab coat. She grabs her pen and goes back to making notes. "Bambi" he whispers.

"It's nothing" she tells him. "Can we just finish this work?" he still stares at her, frowns, trying to figure her out.


Bambi pulls her hair up and smiles at the morning fog, better than morning fog, Saturday morning fog, no school, no lessons, just free time, she moves to her car as Bella grumbles following her out the house.

"Why so early?" Bella complains.

"Cause it's a three hour drive to Seattle on a good day and we have to pick Jake and Cal up first" Bambi tells her and then smirks reaching her car, pulls out a mix tape from her pocket, Bella raises an eyebrow. "Your favourites"

"Bribes" Bella grumbles but smiles climbing into the car, Bambi chuckles and follows. "You're lucky I love you" Bella tells her as she starts the engine, Bambi chuckles and pulls away from the curb.


Jacob and Caleb pull the two girls into hugs as they leave the Black house, Jacob lifting Bambi up, she chuckles and ruffles his hair.

"Feels like it's been ages since we've hung out" He tells her, she nods and smiles.

"I know....but we are today" she pokes his chest and he laughs wrapping an arm around her shoulders to kiss her head.

"Today we are" he agrees. Caleb looks to them as Bella shoves her hands in her pockets.

"You guys ready?" Caleb asks, they all share a smile.

"Shotgun" Jacob shouts.

"Hey, no far" Caleb argues.

"I was there first" Bella tells them both, they look to her she smirks.

"I called it though" Jacob argues. "Therefore I get the front seat" he wraps an arm around Bambi who smirks back at Bella.

"Shotgun rules, sis, sorry" Bella laughs and shrugs as they bundle into the car.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now