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Bambi has barely sat in the chair across from Carlisle when a car pulls up the drive, both supernatural beings pausing whatever they were going to do to listen. To wait and see who it is. The car skids to a stop and doors open.

"Bella" Bambi states as they listen to Bella and Connor leave the car on the drive. Bambi closes her eyes and sighs. She knew this would happen.

"She can wait" Carlisle stops her when she goes to stand. "You need to hear this...."

"I need to stop her from doing something utterly moronic" She argues and then stands, heading out of the office. Carlisle follows after her.


Bella is stood with Connor, they both look at Bambi as she and Carlisle walk into the living room. Bella tries to hide her surprise, but she wasn't aware, and from the look on Connor's face, neither was he, that she would be here.

"You forgave him?" Bambi asks Bella who looks down a little. "After everything, that's it?"

"I know you can't understand" Bella starts, Bambi shakes her head.

"Bella, you were a mess for months....you barely ate, you barely slept, and even if you did, it was to nightmares....you didn't talk to anyone....and he snaps his fingers and you just...forget it all?"

"Yes," Bella answers. "Because I love him" Bambi pulls a face but offers nothing more. Bella nods a little and turns to the rest of the room where all the other vampires are gathered together. "You all know what Connor wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you..." Bella addresses them.

"You can't be serious?" Bambi asks Bella, because she is not about to let this happen.

"Bambi" Bella begs.

"No" Bambi is quick to argue. "What part of anything we have been through this last year makes you think it's a good idea to become one of them?"

"Don't get upset" Edward whispers to her as he places a hand on her arm. Bambi shakes off his arm and moves closer to Bella.

"You are part of this, I thought you would understand" Bella counters.

"I had no choice" Bambi snaps, her anger slightly rising. "What I am...I didn't get a vote...or a say in it. It just happened to me....was forced upon me"

"Bambi" Bella starts. "You are incredible. You have this power, this gift..."

"Gift?" Bambi scoffs. "You really think I enjoy this?" She asks Bella. "You think I like that I am completely different now, that I can't get angry without there being a risk that I will turn spontaneously into a giant dog? That I might hurt someone? That all my memories and thoughts are shared with my pack? That I am going to be forever stuck in this stupid town? That my future was stolen from me?" Bella looks down, Edward looks at Bambi sadly. "Yeah, it's great" Bambi offers sarcastically.

"I just think the only fair way to handle this is by vote..." Bella tells her. Connor steps closer to Bella.

"Bella" He starts.

"This is my meeting, Connor" Bella scolds. Connor, frustrated, sits back, but shares a look with Bambi, at least they have one thing in common.

"However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you," Bella adds and then looks at Bambi. "Any of you....I'll go back to Italy alone..."

"The hell you will." Emmett counters. "I'm not missing another fight."

"That's not up for a vote, Emmett. I don't want you involved." Bella scolds him.

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