2: First date

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The next morning, Barry called Kara.

"Hey Barry" Kara said as she picked up.
"Hey Kara" Barry said back.
"What you doing today?" Kara asked.
"Nothing, you wanna catch up?" Barry asked back.
"Sure thing, I'll be at Jitters soon to get coffee" Kara replied.
"I'll see you there" Barry said as he hung up and got dressed.

When Barry arrived, he got himself a coffee and waited for Kara. 30 seconds Kara walked in and got herself a coffee when she noticed Barry, she took her coffee and sat opposite Barry.
The two spoke for a few minutes and then decided for a walk in the park. After walking around for hour they stopped and lay down on the grass.

"Barry, do you want...want to go for dinner tonight?" Kara asked nervously.
"Like a date?" Barry asked back.
"Yeah" Kara replied.
"Where will we go tonight?" Barry asked.
"I don't know" Kara replied.
"Think about where you want to go and tell me when I pick you up" Barry said.

2 hours later at Joe's house, Joe noticed that Barry was smiling so much.

"You've never been this happy before. What's got into you Barr? Joe asked.
"Remember that girl that sang Stars by Skillet the other night?" Barry asked back.
"Kinda" Joe replied.
"Well that night, when you and Iris left I noticed that she was by herself so I decided to go and have a chat to her" Barry said.
"What's her name?" Joe asked.
"Kara Danvers, we went out for lunch today so we could get to know each other more and she asked me out on a date" Barry replied.
"What did you say?" Joe asked.
"Yes" Barry simply replied.
"When is it?" Joe asked.
"In 2 hours" Barry replied.
"You gonna pick her up or meet her there?" Joe asked.
"Pick her up in my car" Barry replied.

2 hours later that night Kara noticed that a red car pulled up in front of her apartment block to see Barry standing outside the passenger front seat looking so handsome more than ever.

"You look beautiful Kara" Barry said as Kara gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks, same goes for you" Kara replied as Barry kissed her on the cheek.
"Do you like the band Skillet?" Barry asked as he opened the door for Kara to get in the car.
"In a matter of fact, I do, they are my favourite band" Kara replied as Barry got in the drivers seat.
"Well, it's time to rock out to Skillet then" Barry said as they pulled out.
"Hey Barry, do you think I could stay with you?" Kara asked.
"Sure, I think Joe won't mind me having you over for a while" Barry replied.

After dinner Barry gave Joe a call before he got in the car.

"Hey Barr" Joe said.
"Hey Joe, is it ok if Kara stays with us for a while?" Barry asked.
"She can stay with us as long as she likes" Joe replied.

Barry hung up and then got in the car and they drove off.

When they arrived back at Joe's, Barry and Kara walked up the stairs and Barry rang the doorbell.

"Hey Barr" Joe said.
"Hey Joe" Barry replied.
"You must be Kara? Joe asked as he noticed her behind Barry.
"Yes I am" Kara replied.

When Barry and Kara walked into the house Joe said that he was going to CCPD so that Kara and Barry had the place to themselves. Kara's phone was ringing. When she went to look at it she noticed that it was her sister Alex.

"Hey Alex, how ya going?" Kara asked.
"I'm good, and where are you?" Alex asked back.
"I'm with Barry, the guy I told you about earlier" Kara replied.
"You gonna come home or stay with him for a while?" Alex asked.
"I'm gonna stay for a while" Kara replied as she hung up the phone and went into the same bedroom as Barry knowing that she had forgotten some of her clothes.
"Kara, we will go back to your apartment and get you your clothes then come back" Barry said.
"How did you know?" Kara asked.
"Cause I had a feeling that you forgot something" Barry replied as they got to the car.

When Barry and Kara where stuck in traffic on the way back, they were listening to Skillet.

"I love her, I wonder if she loves me back" Barry thought to himself.
"I love him, I wonder if he loves me back, well imma going to tell him now" Kara thought to herself.

Barry and Kara got close to the house.

"Barry, can I tell you something?" Kara asked nervously.
"Sure" Barry replied.
"I love you Barry" Kara said as she started to blush
"I love you too" Barry said back to her.
"Barry, will you be my boyfriend?" Kara asked as she hugged him.
"Yes I will my beautiful girlfriend" Barry replied as he hugged and kissed Kara.

When Kara and Barry got to the hose and entered the building, Iris spotted them.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Iris asked as she went to punch Kara in the face.
"I'm Kara Danvers, Barry's new girlfriend and I am here cause your dad said I can stay as long as I like" Kara replied as she felt the punch and fell to the floor.
"IRIS, WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM? Barry asked at the top of his voice.

Iris didn't respond.

"Imma call Joe and tell him what happened" Barry said as he helped up his girlfriend and pulled her into a hug.
"I don't care, you won't call him" Iris replied.

After Iris said that she noticed that Barry was already calling Joe.

"Hey Joe" Barry said as Joe picked up.
"Hey, what's up Barr?" Joe asked.
"Come here and ask that to Iris" Barry replied as he put it on loud speaker.
"I'll be right there" Joe said and hung up.
"What did I do for you to punch me?" Kara asked calmly.
"You exist, I wish you wouldn't even exist" Iris replied as she noticed the house door open to reveal Joe.
"Kara, what happened?" Joe asked as she noticed that Kara had a bloody nose.
"I'll tell you Joe, as soon as Kara and I walked in, Iris saw her and punched my girlfriend Kara in the face and said she shouldn't exist"Barry replied as Kara came crying to him and he gave her a hug.
"Barry, I've got another apartment I'll send you the address and you and Kara can go there tomorrow, there is your old furniture including your parents bed, couch, TV, tables and all, you will need to Bye a fridge and something else you need, by the way it is a big apartment" Joe said to Barry.
"Thanks Joe" Barry said as he and his girlfriend Kara went to bed.

When the love-birds went to bed Iris and Joe had a chat.

"Iris why did you punch Kara? Have you seen Barry punch any of your boyfriends?" Joe asked in a soft voice.
"I punched her because I was jealous and no, I haven't seen Barry punch any of my boyfriends" Iris replied.

The next morning Joe and Iris wasn't there when Barry and Kara woke up, so the two had a relaxing morning. After breakfast, Barry and Kara packed up their clothes and left the house. When they got in the car Iris was spotted walking down the street so Barry and Kara drove straight passed her.

When they got to their new apartment they unloaded their clothes and went shopping for the stuff they needed and when they got back, Barry had to go to work.

"I gotta go to work babe, I'll see you later" Barry said as he gave Kara a kiss.
"See ya later" Kara said back.

When Barry left, Kara got a call from Alex and so she answered it.

"Hey Kara, how are you?" Alex asked.
"Good, my boyfriend and I are now living together in an apartment now" Kara replied.
"Your boyfriend?" Alex asked confused.
"Barry" Kara replied.
"Oh ok" Alex said.
"So how are you?" Kara asked.
"I'm good" Alex replied.

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