13: Reverse flash returnes

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The next day while Kara was at STAR LABS with everyone and Barry was as CCPD. As Barry looked out the window of his lab at CCPD he saw a man in a yellow suit again and chased him and Barry got his ass handed to him again. When Barry got to STAR LABS, Kara noticed the state of him and rushed over to his side.

"Babe, what happened?" Kara asked.
"My mother's murderer has returned" Barry replied as he got everyone by surprise and started to tear up
"Babe, we will get him together" Kara told Barry as she pulled him into a hug.
"I want him gone" Barry said crying into Kara's shoulder.
"We all do" Harrison Wells said.

Later that day Kara and Barry went to his CSI lab at CCPD to study the reverse flash. They found photos of him and Harrison Wells.

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