12: Making things right

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The next morning Barry woke up to find his leg was healed. Joe texted him 5 minutes later.

Joe: hey Barry, I told Captain Singh that you will bot be coming in for a few days and he said that it was ok.
Barry: thanks Joe.
Joe: no problem.

Meanwhile at Caitlin's house Kara woke up to smell the food that Caitlin made for her and Kara.

"Hey Cait, do you hate me?" Kara just asked out of the blue as she finished her breakfast.
"No I don't and I figured out you were under Prism's mind control" Caitlin replied.
"Imma gonna speak to Barry and make things right" Kara said as she got up.

It has been a day or so, Barry hasn't spoke to Kara and the reverse flash returned so Barry got his ass handed to him. Barry needed to really talk to Kara. As he was ready to go to STAR LABS there was a knock and Barry opened it to reveal Kara.

"Hey Barry, I'm sorry for all things I said to you a few days ago, I didn't mean to say all of that. I still love you and still want you to be my boyfriend and I still want to be your girlfriend" Kara said starting to cry.

As Barry saw Kara crying about all those things that happened a few days ago, he then pulled her into a massive bear hug followed by a long kiss on the lips.

"It's ok" Barry replied as he wiped a few of Kara's tears away.
"No it's not, I hurt your feelings and everyone besides Caitlin hates me" Kara said as Barry let her inside and closed the door.
"Kara, babe, it is ok, yesterday day Caitlin called me and told me that you were under a mind control and Joe was being rude to you" Barry replied as he sat besides Kara on the couch and had one wrapped around her.
"Can we still be boyfriend and girlfriend?" Kara asked snuggling up onto Barry's chest.
"Yes, I would never stay mad at my girlfriend" Barry replied.
"I love you sooo much Barry Allen" Kara said as she kissed him on the lips.
"I love you sooo much too Kara Danvers" Barry replied as he kissed her back on the lips.

Later that day at about 12:00 in the afternoon when Barry, Kara and Caitlin walked into STAR LABS. They were greater by Cisco, Joe and Dr Wells, they had a get lost Kara look on their face.

"GO TO HELL! Joe yelled as he shot Kara.

Barry heard the shots from another room and sped into the Cortex and caught all the bullets.

"Joe enough" Barry said as he let go of the bullets he just caught.
"I hate her for almost killing you" Joe said as he gave a death glare to Kara.
"Joe chill, she was under a mind control spell.

After Joe was told he immediately apologised to Kara and he was lucky Kara accepted it.

Later that night when Barry and Kara returned to their apartment, Barry turned on the music channel on Foxtel.
About 10 minutes sitting on the couch Kara went to sleep in Barry's arms and Barry eventually fell asleep not long after.

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