7: The high school bully

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Cold day at CCHS (Central City High School) Kara was having lunch with her friends Sara Lance and Sara's sister Laurel Lance when Tony and his gang of 6 approached, he smashed Kara's phone against the wall and started to throw everything out of her bag onto the floor and then eventually the 6 cornered Kara. Barry looked over and saw what was happening.

"Follow me boys" Barry said to Winn and Cisco.
"Ok" Cisco and Winn replied at the same time.

When the three boys got closer they stood side by side, other people stood on Barry's side.

"TONY!" Barry yelled as he got the principals and Tony's attention.
"GET LOST ALLEN!" Tony yelled back.
"I'm afraid we can't do that" Cisco said.
"I'm gonna kill ya" Tony said.
"TONY WOODWARD, MY OFFICE NOW!" The principal yelled.

Tony did as he was told and left followed by the principal.

"You alright Kara?" Barry asked as he ran over to her side.
"I'm alright cause you're here now babe" Kara said aloud.
"Are we missing something?" Cisco, Winn, Sara and Laurel asked at the same time.
"Oh yeah, did We forget to mention that we are boyfriend and girlfriend" Barry and Kara replied at the same time.

After school, Kara doesn't have a phone anymore so she asked Barry to use his.

"Hey babe, can I use your phone?" Kara asked.
"Sure thing" Barry replied as he handed his phone to Kara.

"Hello Barry" Eliza said picking up not knowing that it was Kara calling.
"Hey Eliza" Kara said.
"Kara?, why you using your boyfriend's phone?" Eliza asked.
"Because Tony smashed my phone against a wall" Kara replied.
"You ok? Did he hurt you?" Eliza asked.
"I'm ok, Barry saved me and a lot of other kids helped Barry save me from Tony and Tony's gang" Kara replied.
"Ok, that's good he was there" Eliza said.
"Can I go to Barry's house for a few hours?" Kara asked.
"Sure thing, hand me over to Barry" Eliza replied.
"Ok" Kara said as she handed Barry back his phone to speak to Eliza.
"Hello" Barry said.
"Hello Barry, Kara is allowed to go to your place for a few hours, protect her" Eliza replied.
"I'll always protect her and keep her safe" Barry said.
"Good, by the way, thanks for sticking up for her and helping her when she's getting bullied or beaten up"Eliza said.
"Your welcome I'll do anything to make sure she is safe" Barry replied.

When Barry and Kara got to Barry's place, they sat on the couch to watch Netflix and chill for the whole afternoon until Kara had to leave.

When Kara got home with her Eliza, she went and sat on the couch.

"Hey Eliza, can I have a weekend sleepover with Barry one weekend?" Kara asked.
"Sure, but first we need to get you a new phone" Eliza replied

It's been a week since Kara asked to have a sleepover at Barry's place and she got a new phone.

Kara called Barry from Eliza's phone to tell him what the plan is.

"Hello Kara" Barry said as he picked up the phone.
"How did you know it was me?" Kara asked.
"Lucky guess, what's up?" Barry asked back.
"Is it ok with Joe if I could have a weekend sleep over with you?" Kara asked.
"Hold on a sec and I'll ask him" Barry replied.

Barry took the phone with him and found Joe.

"Hey Joe, is it ok if Kara has a weekend sleepover with me here?" Barry asked.
"If it is ok with her mother then yes" Joe replied.
"He said if it is ok with your mother" Barry replied.
"Yes my mom says that I can" Kara says happily.
"You come over tomorrow school since tomorrow is Friday? Barry asks.
"Yes I will and I will have my stuff for the whole weekend" Kara replied.
"Ok, see ya tomorrow babe" Barry says.
"See ya tomorrow Babe" Kara replied.

The next day it is as 2:55pm, 5 minutes before the bell at sport, Barry and Kara sat next to each other Kara in Barry's arms, then the bell left. Friday night means that it is fish and chips night. After having the fish and chips, Joe had to go to CCPD and Iris went with him which meant leaving Barry and Kara to have the house for themselves. Joe left a swat shield with Barry so Kara and Barry can stay safe.

"Barry, I love you" Kara said as Barry carried her to their beds in his room.
"I love you too Kara" Barry replied.

At midnight Kara woke up breathing heavily trying not to wake Barry up but Barry was already up.

"Hey, hey, hey it's ok babe I'm here" Barry said hugging Kara.
"Did I wake you up" Kara asked.
"No you didn't, what's up?" Barry asked.
"I had a nightmare" Kara replied as she hugged Barry who was sitting on her bed.
"What happened?" Barry asked.
"Tony killed me, then you knocked him out and when I was on my last few breaths I said to you that I will always love you" Kara replied as she started crying and Barry rubbed her back.
"I get those two" Barry replied as he let Kara cry into his shoulder.
"Barry.. can I sleep in your bed with you so I won't be scared?" Kara asked.
"Sure thing babe" Barry replied.

As Kara got into bed with Barry, she snuggled against his chest and fell asleep.

Next morning, Barry, Kara and Iris went to Laser Tag with Cisco, Laurel, Sara and Winn. They were in the same team. The teams have 7 people in it.

"Right here is the plan, Iris, Kara, Sara and Laurel, attack from the left while Cisco, Winn and I attack from the right" Barry said.
"Sounds like a plane babe" Kara replied.
"We gonna kick Star City's ass" Cisco added.
"WHO ARE WE?!" Barry asked at the tip of his voice.
"CCLTT (Central City Laser Tag Team)" They all yell.

That game was the final and CCLTT beat Star City in the final.

Later that afternoon Barry, Iris and Kara went back to the West household.

"How'd you go? Did you win the final?" Joe asked as the three kids came into the house.
"We won" Barry replied.
"Congratulations" Joe said.

Later that night Barry, Kara, Iris and Joe were watching TV when Tony broke the door down.

"HEY TONY, PISS OFF!" Cisco and Winn yelled as they came in.
"Make me" Tony replied as he pushed Cisco and Winn down the stairs.
"CCPD, I NEED BACK UP" Joe yelled into his radio.
"On my way and I have also picked up the principal of CCHS" Captain Singh replied.
"Guys, Singh has the principal of CCHS with him and Tony is in for a surprise" Joe said as The CCPD Captain turned up.

*end of flashback*

The day after telling everyone about what happened about the memories, Cisco called Barry.

"Hey Barry, you and Kara are needed around CCPN because there is a meta human" Cisco said.

They got in their suits and ran/flew to the scene to see what was going on.
When they arrived they saw the guy standing there.
Kara went to punch him. But he was stronger than her causing her to fracture her wrist. When The Flash saw Supergirl go down, he tried the same thing and ended up the same way as her.

"Looks like you two were born to take a beating" the meta said as he left.

Later at STAR LABS after Kara and Barry got told that they healed after 3 hours, Caitlin asked them a question.

"What did that meta mean when he said looks like you two were born to take a beating?" Caitlin asked.
"I think I know who it was" Barry replied.
"Who babe?" Kara asked as she sat in Barry's lap.
"Tony Woodward" Barry replied.

The next day of hearing that there was another attack this time at CCPD Barry (the flash) and Kara (Supergirl) went there and beat his ass. They both did the supersonic punch on Tony.

When they got back to STAR LABS Barry and Kara locked him up in the pipeline.

"Where am I?" Tony asked as he came around.
"Somewhere where you'll never hurt anybody else ever again" Kara replied.
"Who are you?" Tony asked.
"You know who we are" Barry replied as he and his girlfriend walked out of the shadows.
"Danvers, Allen?" Tony asked as he saw them.
"Yeah remember us jerk?" Kara asked.
"LET ME OUT!" Tony yelled as he punched the window and the door closed.

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