4: Particle Accelerator Explosion

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The next morning was the day the STAR LABS Particle Accelerator was going to go online Barry and Kara got excited for it.

That night when Barry was working at CCPD and Kara was at home the Accelerator exploded and hitting them causing them to go into a coma.

At the hospital where Alex, Eliza, Iris and Joe were outside Barry and Kara's room. The one and only Harrison Wells turned up in a wheelchair.

"They can't save them, but Cisco, Caitlin and I can" Harrison Wells said as he rolled in, in his wheelchair.
"Why should we trust you? Alex asked.
"I caused this to happen to them, and I will make it right" Harrison replied.
"Ok, if they die, Alex and I will shot you" Joe said.
"I promise you that they will live" Harrison replied.

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