14: Who is Harrison Wells

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While at CCPD's CSI lab Kara and Barry were studying the Reverse Flash.

"Something doesn't feel right about Wells" Barry said out of the blue.
"What is it babe?" Kara asked.
"The recent murders caused by the Man In Yellow, Harrison Wells wasn't there with us at STAR LABS" Barry said.
"You're right, he has been off when we mentioned the murder of the some people" Kara replied.

Barry pulled his phone and called Caitlin, Cisco and Joe to get to his lab.

"What's up dude?" Cisco asked as he, Joe and Caitlin walked into his lab to see him and Kara there.
"We think that Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash" Kara replied as she saw Barry tear up.

Kara saw her boyfriend Barry starting cry and hugged him since Barry remembered the night his mother died.

*flashback to Barry's mothers death*

One night when Barry returned home from school. His mother and father noticed the state of him. Later that night when Barry was in bed when he was woken up by yelling in the kitchen.

"BARRY, HENRY" Nora yelled as red and yellow lightning surrounded her.
"RUN BARRY RUN" Henry said as Barry got taken out of his hands.

*end of flashback*

The next day at STAR LABS when Harrison Wells arrived at STAR LABS he went to the time volt (his secret room).

"Hello Giddeon" Harrison said.
"Good morning Eoboard Thawne" the AI replied.

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