18: Comatose Part 1

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Kara now in the Med-Bay bed, Barry will never leave her side unless he had Flash duties to do. He kept listening to Whispers In The Dar, Stars, Salvation and Comatose by Skillet.

"Hey Kara, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I want you to know that I'm always going to be by your side" Barry said as he started to listen and to sing a few of the lyrics from Whispers In The Dark.
"I'm sure she can hear ya my man" Cisco said as he entered the room.
"Thanks man" Barry said.
"No problem and by the way there is a bank robbery" Cisco said as Barry left.

When Barry (The Flash) got to the bank, he saw three robbers. He ran towards then with a rope and tied them up for Joe to arrest.

"I'm just curious, have you guys even heard of me?" Barry asked as he high fives Joe.

When Barry got back to star labs he went back to Kara's side.


It is a Monday afternoon, the last day of school. The Christmas break right around the corner by 2 hours because it is lunch and Barry and Kara are lying in the grass on the oval.

"YO LOSERS" Tony yelled.
"What do you want with them?" Cisco asked as he and Winn came to help Barry and Kara out.
"To see them dead and possibly you two now as well" Tony simply replied.

After Tony left them, Cisco, Winn and Kara were worried about what Tony might do to them after school and then Kara, Cisco and Winn noticed Barry talking in the phone.

"Hey Joe, do you think you could to the school and chuck someone in the slammer" Barry asked as Joe picked up.
"Who is it that you want to be chucked in the slammer?" Joe asked back.
"Tony" Barry replied he went to hug Kara who was on the edge of starting to cry.
"I'll be right there" Joe said as he hung up.

10 minutes later Barry, Cisco, Winn and Kara hears a cop car siren. Barry noticed that it was Joe.

"WHERE IS THE BASTARD?!" Joe asked at the top of his voice.
"I don't know, I think you should get the principal to call him to his office" Barry said as Joe left.

When Joe left the four he went straight to the principals office.

"Detective West, what could I do for you?" The principal asked.
"Get Tony down here now, he needs to be spoken to" Joe replied.
"Better yet arrested" Mr Hunter added as he walked in with Barry, Kara, Cisco and Winn.

The principal called for Tony to come to the office and so he did and then saw Joe when he entered the room and tried to run.

"My friend here needs to have a chat with you" Mr Hunter said as he blocked the door.
"Now Tony, why do you want these four kids dead?" Joe asked.
"Cause I just want them dead" Tony replied.
"Why did you try to kill Barry's girlfriend Kara?" Joe asked.
"Because I wanted to" Tony replied.
"Alright Tony Woodward, you are under arrest or trying to kill these kids and physically hurting them, anything you say or do will be used against you in caught" Joe said as the principal slammed Tony's head on the table.
"You can't arrest me, you're not even a cop" Tony said.
"Yes he can, and he goes by the name Detective West" Captain Singh said as he walked into the room to help.
"SCREW YOU ALL!" Tony yelled as he got put into handcuffs and then got chucked into the back of Singh's car.

*end of flashback*

"Dude, there is a hostage Situation at CCPD, and Joe are in it" Cisco said coming into the room.
"Ok" Barry replied as he was leaving.

When Barry arrived as The Flash, he phased through the wall.

"Hey, let them go" Barry said as he entered the room.
"Or what?" The robber asked.
"Would you rather be in Iron Heights ?" Barry asked back.
"No" the robber replied.
"Well either way, I'm taking you right now" Barry said as he picked up the robber and ran straight to Iron Heights and chucked the robber in the slammer.

When Barry got back to STAR LABS he immediately went back to Kara's bed and fell asleep so Cisco and Caitlin decided to leave him there with her.

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