8: Remembering everything from high school

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A few days after putting Tony in the pipeline. Barry and Kara decided to go to their old school so they did. On the drive on the way they were listen to Skillet, Fight The Fury's My demons and Ledger's Not dead yet and Warrior.
When they arrived in front of the closed down school, Barry and Kara got out of the car.

*flashback to Kara's first few days*

It was a cold morning and Kara arrived at school only forgetting her jacket. At lunch Barry sat opposite her as usual.

"Hey, you look cold, Do you want my jacket?" Barry asked.
"Won't you get cold?" Kara asked back.
"I won't cause I got another jacket" Barry replied as he got up and took off his jacket.
"Thanks soo much Barry" Kara said as Barry put his jacket on her.
"Your welcome" Barry replied as put on the spare jacket.

*end of flashback (back to the present)*

"I thought I recognise you" a mysterious voice said as Barry and Kara jumped.
"Winn, is that you?" Barry asked.
"Yes it is Barry, longtime no see" Winn replied as he gave him a high five.
"Who is the girl behind you?" Winn asked out of nowhere.
"That is my girlfriend Kara Danvers" Barry replied.
"Dude, after you left the school, the principal put up the new award for lifesaver of the year, and it had you on it, he also showed what you did to protect Kara from the last punch that could've ended her life" Winn replied.

A while later after Winn left, Barry and Kara were alone in the school, they first went to the trophy cabinet.

"Winn was telling the truth" Barry said as he noticed the award for lifesaver of the year and got a hug from Kara.

*flashback of the summer camp*

The day before camp, Barry and Kara was texting.

Barry: hey are you ready for tomorrow?
Kara: hell yea
Barry: got to go to sleep see ya tomorrow.
Kara: bye Barry.

After Kara texted Barry bye Joe knocked on the opened door and then got motioned in.

"So I heard what you did a few days ago. Giving Kara your jacket, now that is the son your dad would've wanted and the son I wanted" Joe said.
"Thanks Joe" Barry replied.
"Oh by the way, you are a type of hero at the school, protecting someone from the bully which meant you left the canteen line, that is the son and brother Iris and I wanted" Joe said.
"Thanks Joe" Barry replied as Joe left the room closing the door.

The next morning at school waiting for the bus to go to the camp known as camp fun time. When on the bus Kara and Barry sat next to each other.

"I organised it so that you two share a cabin cause Barry I see how much you care about Kara and you would do anything to protect her" said Mr Hunter as he approached the two.
"Thank you" Barry replied as Mr Hunter left.

When they arrived at the camp everyone was put into groups of 6 for the cabins. When everyone was in their cabin groups Barry and Kara got a look when everyone was put into their groups noticed that Barry and Kara hadn't been put in a group.

"Why aren't these two in a group?" Barry's mate Cisco asked rudely.
"They are in a cabin together" Mr Hunter replied.

Later that night there was a karaoke night so Kara and Barry went up on stage.

"Put your hands up if any of you her heard of Marley Rose and Sebastian Smyth" Kara yelled through the Mic to get everyone's hand up in the air.
"That was us" Barry replied.
"No way!" Mr Hunter exclaimed excitedly.

Barry (Sebastian Smyth) and Kara (Marley Rose) choose Skillet's Hero to sing.

I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
(Fallin' off the edge today)
I am just a man
Not superhuman
(I'm not superhuman)
Someone save me from the hate

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