19: Comatose Part 2

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2 weeks later, Kara is still in a coma, Barry never leaving side except for flash duties. Cisco came into a room listening to Whispers In The Dark by Skillet.

"Hey Cisco, you think you can put the song through the speakers?" Barry asked not even looking away from Kara.
"Wait? How did you know I was here and what song I listening to? Cisco asked back.
"I knew you were here cause, 1) you play music loud through your earphones and 2) it is one of Kara's favourite songs from Skillet"Barry replied to Ciscos's surprise.
"Sure thing, I'll put the song through the speakers throughout STAR LABS.

Starting to hear the song, Kara was waking up with a light getting shone in her eyes. She woke up to feeling someone's hand on her hand. The someone was her boyfriend Barry Allen.

"Barry, what happened?" Kara asked as she lay back down.
"Thawne knocked you out and was about to kill me until Eddie shot himself which caused Thawne to be erased from time" Barry replied as he gave Kara a hug and a kiss.
"Dude, thanks for letting me put Kara's Skillet playlist on the speakers" Barry replied to Cisco.
"No problem, anything to help you and Kara" Cisco replied as he left to go home.
"Babe, I just noticed that skillet was playing" Kara said as she kissed Barry.
"Yeah" I made the exact same Skillet playlist" Barry replied as he helped Kara up.

Barry and Kara got outside STAR LABS and got into Barry's car and went to their apartment.
That night Barry and Kara had a STAR WARS movie marathon while eating their favourite food. Pizza, Potstickers, Donuts and Ice-Cream. Halfway through the last movie, Kara fell asleep in Barry's lap. Shortly Barry picked up Kara bride-style and carried her to bed and Barry also went to bed.

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