3: Getting to knows the families

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After the first date and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, Barry and Kara thought about each family should get to know each other.

"Hey Babe, thanks giving is coming up shortly and I was thinking your family and my family should catch up" Kara said.
"Good idea babe" Barry replied.

Later that night, Barry Called Joe and Iris.

"Hey Joe, Iris, thanks giving is coming up in a few days, and Kara and I were wondering if you want to come over" Barry said.
"I'll come Barr" Joe said.
"I'll also come and this time I won't punch Kara in the face" Iris replied.
"Ok, see ya then guys" Barry said as he hung up.

After Barry hung up, Kara called her adoptive mother Eliza and Alex.

"Hey Eliza, Alex, thanks giving is coming up in a few days, and Barry and I were wondering if you want to come over" Kara said.
"We will come" Eliza and Alex said at the same time and then hung up.

2 days later, at night while everyone was eating until Eliza asked a question.

"Who's gonna say what they are thankful for?" Eliza asked as Kara got up.
"I am thankful for Eliza and Alex for taking me in and caring for me when I was younger, I am also thankful for meeting my boyfriend who cares a lot about me Barry Allen" Kara said as Barry got up and had his saying.
"I am thankful for Joe and Iris for taking me in and caring for me when I was younger when I lost my mom and my dad got wrongfully put in prison, I am also thankful for meeting my beautiful girlfriend who cares a lot about me Kara Danvers" Barry said.

Later that night after everyone left and Barry and Kara cleaned up.
They went to bed and fell asleep.

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