15: Attending the stage at a club

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A Wednesday lunch, Barry and Kara were approached by the music teacher.

"Hey guys, would you and your friends like to compete on the talent night next week on Thursday?" The music teacher asked.
"Yes we will" Barry and Kara replied at the same time.

After school Barry called Joe.

"Hey Barr, what's up" Joe asked as he picked up the phone.
"Imma gonna be home a bit late tonight" Barry replied.
"Why?" Joe asked.
"Kara and I are gonna practice for next Thursday's talent night" Barry replied.
"Well, ok" Joe said.

After Barry spoke to Joe, Kara spoke to Eliza.

"Hey Kara, what's up" Eliza asked as he picked up the phone.
"Imma gonna be home a bit late tonight" Kara replied.
"Why?" Eliza asked.
"Barry and I are gonna practice for next Thursday's talent night" Kara replied.
"Well ok" Eliza replied.

After the two made their calls. Barry and Kara made their way to the music room. And when they arrived, Cisco, Laurel, Sara and Winn were there.

"Hey, you guys wanna form a band to compete on next Thursday's talent night?" Kara asked when she and Barry walked through the door.
"Hell yeah" Cisco, Laurel, Sara and Winn replied at the same time.
"Who wants to do what?" Barry asked.
"I'll do drums" Winn replied.
"Ill do bass guitar" Sara said.
"I'll be lead electric guitarist" Cisco said.
"I'll do electric guitar" Laurel said.
"Ok, Barry and I will sing then" Kara said as she walked over to Barry.

The 6 kids set up their instruments in a circle so they could see each other while practicing.

"What should the name be our band name?" Cisco asked.
"We'll think about it later" Barry replied.
"What song will we do?" Sara asked.
"Do you all like Skillet and Ledger?" Barry asked back.
"Yea we do" Cisco, Winn, Sara and Laurel replied at the same time.
"Ok then, we will do Ledger's Warrior" Kara said.

The kids got underway with practice. And after about 90 minutes of practicing, Kara went to the bathroom.

"Hey, can you guys keep a secret even from Kara?" Barry asked.
"Sure we can man" Cisco replied.
"I will not be on the stage, my plan is that after Kara does the first verse and chorus I will come up get out of my seat and start doing my part" Barry said.
"What's the band name?" Winn asked.
"How about we call ourselves ROCKERS FOR LIFE?" Barry asked back.
"We like the idea" everyone replied.

One week later it was time to get on with the talent night.

"Guys, where's Barry?" Kara asked.
"He will be here in a minute or 2" Cisco replied.
"Ok" Kara said.

After a few bands it was their turn.

[Intro: Kara Danvers]
Heart starts to pound
Shaking the ground
This is the sound
Heart starts to pound
Shaking the ground
This is the sound

[Chorus: Kara Danvers]
This is the sound
It's the sound of the warrior
This is the sound
It's the sound of the warrior

[Verse 1: Kara Danvers]
The thief of hearts
You roam like a lion
Lie in the dark
To steal and kill a victim
This is the sound of the enemy's feet
This is the sound of me not retreating
I know what you are, and I won't let you fool me

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