10: The Mardon Brothers

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After telling Joe and Eliza about their powers, the one and only Cisco called Barry's phone.

"Yea what's up dude?" Barry asked as he put his phone on speaker.
"You and Kara get to STAR LABS NOW and Bring Joe and Eliza" Cisco replied.
"Ok we are on our way" Kara replied as Barry hung up.

When the four arrived at STAR LABS, they rushed to the cortex.

"Thank god you guys are here" Caitlin said as Barry and Kara entered the room.
"What's up Cait?" Kara asked.
"The Mardon brothers" Caitlin replied.
"Lets go stop them babe" Kara said as she started to get ready to fly.
"Good luck" Cisco replied as Barry and Kara followed him into a room with two suits in it.

When Barry and Kara walked into the room following Cisco. Cisco told them that the one with the cape was for Kara now know as Supergirl and the one with a mask was for Barry now know as the flash. And he told them that he made a few modifications to it.

When The flash and Supergirl arrived at the scene. They took down the Mardon brothers and then chucked them in a pipeline cell at STAR LABS.

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