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" Like Little Red Riding Hood you're the Fox...Ooh and baby I'm scared of you."

Manhattan, NY 1994.

I peeped my head out the window and looked up at the lights toward the city, feeling a quick sense of freedom since we took two different town cars. being in the city after spending at least three months in the country I was excited to be back.

Arriving at the restaurant a little bit late.

He waited at the bar area and we walked into the back of the side of the place.

as we sat we had the usual until I wanted shellfish and he turned and said Absolutely not! it's not good for your voice... as he turned to the waiter and said a grilled salmon.

not making it a big deal, the place was a bit dimmer lighting than I remembered as they played soft 80s R&B as Shalmar's "A Night to Remember" played in the background.

as we began eating he began with the 21 questions....

"Where were you a few nights ago?" he asked biting into the steak.

softly looking away drinking the water...

"I-I was in the studio" shrugging the subject.

The stare was real he could see right through me.

"I need to use the ladies' room" Getting up he got up and well, grabbed my wrist then quickly let go as the waiter returned.

going into the restroom shaken, staring into the mirror realizing the bags under my eyes from all the stress. taking a deep breath and grabbing the side of the sink to myself a small pep talk, just before hearing banging on the door from the guard.

taking a deep breath before walking back to the table. sitting down with my legs crossed trying not to give him the satisfaction of an anxiety attack keeping my locks on other things in the restaurant.

As he waved his steak knife back in forth in my face for attention. and he quickly noticed I didn't want any more food.

Telling the waiter to take the rest of the plates. in complete Exhaustion. walking out of the restaurant hand and hand like "Normal" getting in the same car. the badgering began.

"Tommy Please, My head is on fire! Not tonight" Laying across on the leather seats.

he huffed as he took out a cigar and lit it blowing the smoke as the rainy night air through the city. knocked out in the car wasn't the worst part.

Bedford, NY 1994 (2:33 a.m.)

"Babygirl, hold your dress up!" he standing over me while I was throwing up as I stumbled to find the first-floor bathroom. he stood and laughed as it was an interesting sight to see.

throwing up everything for the past few days.

"You good!?" he turned concerned since it was puke everywhere but the toilet.

Marie the housekeeper came and looked at me shaking her head, How'd she know and he didn't?

she walked me back towards the bedroom to change and bath and drink some Camila tea.

sitting on the edge of our bed with one of his T-shirts from college. he came and kissed my cheek I tenesed.

"It's okay I know you are nervous, about your tour and the next album," he said patting my leg with intentions on something else perhaps.

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