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  "Who can I run to..." 

Bedford, NY 1994 (  a few Weeks Later)

The Following Month Leading up toward the beginning of the tour was a complete mess, I kept feeling light-headed all the time, forgetting my own song lyrics, and constantly throwing up. and of course, Tommy and I  weren't seeing eye to eye on anything. sometimes I wished he knew how to leave office issues there.

 for me avoiding was my "go-to" so staying upstairs as much as possible was great to avoid any confrontation. I looked outside and saw a Blanck Range Rover at first I thought it was a new security truck so I rolled my eyes and laid back on the bed and finished writing in my notebook, Tommy yelled for me to come downstairs so nervously I walked down the stairs to see my brother, I began feeling embarrassed and flushed. 

"Hey, Morgan," I stated half a hug, as Tommy was eyeing me as if this were some type of setup. 

"How've you been? is it me or are you getting Thick?" He asked jokingly nudging my arm. 

nervously laughed and replied "Yeah, something like that.." moving my hair behind my ear.

Tommy stared Morgan down. 

"Do you mind?" Morgan asked Tommy as he wanted to ask me something in private but since Tommy was staring me down he didn't.

the tension was unbearable between them, as I spoke up. 

"How's Mom?" I said sitting on the bench feeling the light breeze.  

"she's fine" as he sat back and observed us. 

I played in my hair, as Tommy finally walked away due to a phone call. 

"The hell is up with him?" he said getting agitated. 

"I don't know," I said Looking down.

"Mariah your not a good lair, what the hell is going on!?!"

"So how's work?" changing the subject.


"I'm Pregnant," I stated opening my jacket as Tommy intensely stared between us as Tommy glared at me. 

"WHAT!" he stated in absolute shock as he looked upset.  

"Yeah, surprise!" I said laughing a little. 

He hugged me he asked me in my ear "Are you even happy with him ?"

"Of course why wouldn't I be," I said looking away. 

"Mariah Come back inside please," he stated holding the door,  walking away I whisper that I was sorry. 

"Mariah really!" in disbelief. 

"Morgan Don't Please" I begged. 

"Fine," He said while walking back into the house. 

Tommy pulled Morgan off to the side and showed him his Gun as a threat, that if he came back unannounced it would be some shit. 

"You wild, Put your hands on my sister and there be problems". Morgan stated.

Tommy sucked his teeth and said, "You don't wanna fuck with me, I don't make promising I don't keep, Fuck off my property with that shit!"

Morgan shook his head and left. 


Later that evening. 

I watched my brother get back in the car, with a rage I had never seen before, Somewhat In a state of shock, I stayed in the room for the rest of the evening until dinner, grabbing my notebook off the side table and writing down lyrics for another song. 

Come and Eat! He yelled.

As I sat down at the dinner table, I huffed at the plate of salad and soup... 

"I decided to push back the date of the album since you wanna write about our personal business". he said taking a bite out of the steak. 

I played with the salad and scuffed as he looked at me, "That brother of yours is something if he comes back here again, he will be handled." He stated.

"You wouldn't dare," I tested. 

He sarcastically laughed and said, "You must not know me at all sweetheart."

"I wish I didn't know you at all," I stated annoyed.  

with a loss of appetite, I pushed the plate away and walked around to the other side of the house unless I was going to the studio, but I needed to not be near him. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the back deck, just thinking about my future with this baby and possibly him.  

My Pager began going off and it was my brother, I looked around carefully before pulling out my cell phone. 

"Hey," I whispered. 

Tommy caught me off guard and through the phone.

"You're trying my patience!" he said before walking out of the room. 

I sighed and walked back into the living room, kicking off my heels, and began watching Oprah, and took a quick nap. getting up I began writing the rest of the lyrics to the song I wrote earlier, called Free. 


"I keep denying that our, our love is dying
But it's all a big charade and it's a fruitless game to play."

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