Great Depression
Once I was a happy, lively, social butterfly,
But then you came around.
I tried to remain myself, but too soon was I shy.
I desperately searched for something that couldn't be found.
You ripped the soul out of me, I felt like a ghost.
I felt like a lost soul, my body the host,
Just trying to find something to grasp hold of,
This short girl tried to reach above,
But she couldn't grab it.
Do you feel bad, yet?
For making my cheeks always wet,
Pain hurting my heart,
And everything in my life starting to fall apart.
You were part of the reason why I cried
Myself to sleep every night, wishing I'd die.
You were part of the reason why I found no reason in life,
And so I would go through the years carrying this strife.
I wanted to fix it, but how could I?
They would ask if I was okay, but I'd just lie.
Yes, don't worry about me, I'm fine.
But how could those closest to me not have read the signs.
They believed that I was alright,
Even though, the thoughts in my head were constantly in a fight.
I knew that I needed to just let go and breathe,
But nothing came to relieve.
You said that I should speak more,
But when I tried to, you shot me down.
Everyday I would walk out those doors,
Not wanting to come back, to run away from town,
But, alas, I had to.
This was becoming a habit, ah! It was true,
I was suffering in myself, oppression.
This was my own Great Depression.

Feelings, Fantasies, and Other Thoughts on Life
PoetryLife gets out of hand all the time, but sometimes it goes according to plan. Other times, you'd wish that it would go a certain way, and other times you're completely baffled by life. Well, here are my feelings, fantasies, and other thoughts on li...