Chapter 2

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Chelsea just stood there, smiling like an idiot.

"What is it?!" I shouted , now getting really exited.

"I WON US O2L MEET AND GREETS!" She screamed. My mouth dropped open and i started crying. I ran towards her wrapping my arms around her. I squeezed her so tightly I swear she almost stopped breathing.

When we broke from our hug I was crying ever harder.

"What's wrong, aren't you happy?" She asks sounding a little concerned.

"I am, I'm really, really happy." I said with a smile.

I just stood there smiling. Neither of us said anything , which was unusual because your average girl would be screaming.

"When is it?" I asked.

"Friday!" She squealed.

Now I was really exited. We leapt towards each other, screaming in excitement. After 5 minutes of screaming and letting out all of our tears, we calmed down.

"We have to go shopping after school, we need new clothes!" Chelsea said.

"Yeah sure, what time shall I meet you?"

"4.15?" She asked

"Sounds good" I said with a smile.

We both headed inside, smiles still stuck on our faces. We had to be here a little earlier today to bet our schedules and new lockers. I headed to the student office at 7:45 and luckily there was no queue. I walked upto the desk and smiled at the young lady behind the desk.

"Are you here for your schedule?" She asked.

"Yeah, Cassidy Rivers."

"Thank you, I'll just print it out." She said and smiled.

A few minutes later she handed me my schedule.

1st- Art

2nd- math

3rd- Dance


4th- history

5th- triple science


6th- English

7th- physical ed.

My classes had changed, so I had no idea who I would have.

The bell rang at 8 signalling the start of 1st period. The classroom numbers are made weirdly at our school. They take the first two letters of the subject and then give it a number. For example, math would be MA-1 then the number would change. Simple.

I headed to class AR-3. Which happened to be at the other side of the building. I picked up my speed, and then realised I still didn't have a locker. I would have to go at break. I reached my class with a minute to spare.

I walked inside and scanned the class for a seat. The best were taken and the others were next to the jerks, as I call pretty much everyone. My eyes land upon a single seat. I head straight towards it and dump my bag underneath.

A few minutes later the teacher walks in. I couldn't care less who it was, I was too exited for Friday.


The rest of the day went by quickly. I got my locker at break. I had math with Chelsea and Andrew, I had dance with Chelsea. I had Andrew for history and triple science. And I had Chelsea again for physical ed. I was happy that I had them in most of my lessons.

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