Epilogue-Chapter 49

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**1 year later**

"CASSIDY" my mom shouts from downstairs.

"Yes mom?" I call back.

"Have you showered yet?" She says, nearing my room.

"Yeah, can you call Amanda in now?" I ask.

"Sure hunny" she smiles before disappearing.

An hour later I find myself staring in the mirror. My hair is curled loosely and pinned back, my makeup is done spectacularly and I'm in a long white dress which flows at the back. Today was the day.


"Kian..where are we going?" I groan as we sit in the car.

"Somewhere special" he flashes his million dollar smile.

"..why won't you tell me where?" I ask, blinking under the blindfold.

"It's a surprise!" He chuckles.

Around 40 minutes later we pull Up somewhere I can't see. Kian helps me out of the car and he leads me up a small hill and we stop. He removes the blindfold and we are at the Hollywood sign.

"Cassidy, I honestly can't describe how much you mean to me. I've always loved you, since the day you came to our Meet and greet. I knew as soon as I laid my eyes on you, you were different. Special. I was absolutely heartbroken when we lost contact. When I found you again, after being knocked down by your clumsy penny boarding skills, I had never been so relieved. I never stopped loving you, and I never will. We really grew together, gosh, we even made a child. I know that I never ever want to let you go, and hopefully I will never have to. You mean the entire world to me Cassidy, I love you so much you will never understand" he speaks confidently. By now I'm in tears. I cry even harder as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a box.

"So Cassidy May Rivers, will you make me the happiest man on earth, and will you please marry me?"

The ring he has is beautiful, it has 3 diamonds along the band.

I nod harder than I have ever nodded before and run into his arms, he spins me around and kisses me harder than he has in a long time. He slides the ring on my finger and kisses me again.

**end of flashback**

I enter the church with my dad by my side. Tears spring to my eyes as I see baby Alex in his little suit being carried down the isle, along with Nikki and Liam,Chelsea and Andrew, and Talia and Sam as the bridesmaids and their +1s. As that sight fades, more tears find their way out as I see kian standing at the alter, dressed in a suit and tie, looking hot as always.

I see tears form in his eyes as I meet him, taking our hands together. Our vows are said and so are the ' I do's.' Next thing I know, were pronounced husband and wide and kian plants a soft kiss on my lips to consolidate the marriage.

We head straight to the reception where we perform our first dance and our close friends and family congratulate us, and then were on our way to the airport. Kian won't tell me where we're going on out honeymoon but he says I'll like it.

A few hours later, we arrive in Paris. The lights around the streets look beautiful. We take a trip to the Eiffel Tower, and visit the Lock bridge(idk what it's called)where me and kian add a lock with our initials on it.

We do lots of fun stuff before heading back to the hotel where i find myself curled up in bed with kian by my side. The room is quiet apart from our slow steady breathing. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything better. I have an amazing husband, a baby, and many great friends. My life was exactly how I wanted it.

But there was definitely more to come...


A/n omg guys, this is the end, I'm currently writing the sequel. I have a few ideas and they are all along the same line but I want to put more effort into the sequel. So.. I may post another update with like things you didn't know about this story or something, but for now...goodbye:)

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